8/1 Special Nightのゲストはこんなすてきな方たちでした!



「平成80′s ディスコ・ムーヴメント」のパイオニア。

ディスコ放送番組DJの先駆者として、【Disco Train/TOKYO MX】、【RADIO DISCO/InterFM897】、TOKYO-FM系【FAMILY DISCO/JFN全国放送】等に出演、すべてがメディア業界初として話題となる。コンピレーションCDの選曲・制作を多数てがけ、好評「Disco Train」シリーズ3作は、全てオリコンTOP30入りを果たす。
平日900名の動員を誇る「Dynasty Tokyo Surfer’s Night」の主催をはじめ、復活した伝説のディスコ「キサナドゥ」「ナバーナ」、約2300人規模を誇る日本最大のホテルディスコイベント「PRINCE DISCO」等のメインDJを務める。 また、親子で楽しむ「Family Disco」を10年以上プロデュース、ホテルや教育機関から人気を得ている。今、元気なバブル世代に最も支持されているDJ・タレント・司会者・音楽プロデューサー。  民放フリーアナウンサー、司会者のパイオニア「押阪忍」の長男でもある。「ディスコミュージックで元気と笑顔!」「犯罪の無い、健全なディスコカルチャーを伝達する」ことを使命として活動中。


Official DJ for Mr. and Mrs. Abe, the Prime Minister of Japan
Special Lecturer at Kunitachi College of Music


As a pioneer of the disco radio DJ, he hosted shows such as "Disco Train/TOKYO MX", "RADIO DISCO/InterFM897" and "FAMILY DISCO/JFN" and he was a first DJ who did this. He produced many compilation CDs and "Disco Train" series were in Oicon TOP30. He has been hosting "Dynasty Tokyo Surger's Night", and appearing  as a main DJ at the legendary discos such as "XANADU' and "NIRVAN" and the largest hotel disco event "PRINCE DISCO". He has been producing "Family Disco" for parents and kids for more thn 10 years and is popular among hotel business and educational field. He works as a talent, MC and music proucer as well and supported by fans in so-called "Bubble Generation".  He is a son of Shinobu Oshizaka who was a popular free anouncer and a pioneer of MC. His mottos are "Be happy and healthy with Disco music!" and "Pass clean and healthy Disco culture to the next generation".


ゲストアーチスト 清貴/Guest Artist Ki-Yo


August 6th (Sat) LAST DAY




でもだからこそチームワークを持ってHelping Each Otherしながら最後の日を思い出ある日にしたいと、一団となって迎えることができた最終日。



昨日の夜から朝にかけて、ANTHONYや大人スタッフたちがキャンパーの作品を飾り付けしたり 部屋をアレンジしなおしたり、親御さんたちに最高の時間を提供できればと、その働きぶりはお見事でした。


これだけ多くのお子さんや大人たちが集まるミステリオ、時には意見が合わずちょっとした言い合いやいざこざがあるのは当然のこと、もちろん喧嘩もありました、キャンパー同士で謝り合うシーンも多くありました。そのたびに1つ1つ 一人ひとり、愛情を持って向き合い解決するスタッフたち(特にカウンセラーたち)ありがとう。


このお別れ会の出し物を指導してくださったActivity Director の皆さん、お別れ会の出し物はなくても、毎日のクラスを受け持ってくださった皆さん、アシスタント役を務めてくれたカウンセラーや若者スタッフ全員のチームワークで その発表の1つ1つが感動的でした。





ジュニアキャンパー(小学生)の今年の発表は、ミステリオOHの歌を確実に覚えてもらおうと考えた結果、歌詞を皆んなに絵で描いてもらい 歌を歌うチーム、その絵を掲げるチームに分けての発表をしました。 そのおかげあって みんなバッチリ歌を覚えることができましたね。

そしてお別れ会の”トリ’はSR&CITによる演劇の発表。今年の演目はWEST SIDE STORY 。今年はかなりハードルが高く実質5日しかないリハーサルにもかかわらず よくここまで仕上げることができたと ただただ感心でした。演技だけでなく、ミュージカルということもあり 今まで声も出したことのなかったテイーンズや、英語のセリフなんて言ったことのないテイーンズや、ましては歌など人前でしかもソロで歌ったことがない、そんなテイーンズが大勢だったのに、、、、、よくここまで頑張りました。


ミステリオ期間中の写真もウェブサイト上でアップしています。8日間撮影してくださったKANNAさん、途中から撮影してくださったMIORIさん、ありがとう。 まだ追加も出てきますが、写真の数々をご家族やお友達とシェアーしていただきながら この夏の思い出の1つになればと、、、、。

こんな素敵な場所を自由に使わせてくださった さるしょうのKENJI さんに心から感謝の気持ちを送ります。

12月18日 日曜日の昼間に開催予定のミステリオ・クリスマスパーテイーもお忘れなく!!

最後に3年ぶりにミステリオに参加し途中どうしても帰らなければならなかったCITのKENからのメッセージをお伝えし 2016年のミステリオのクロージングとしたいと思います。  

『8/1に帰ってきましたKenです。ダンスをした夜にさる小を出て、無事に帰宅することができました。一緒の新幹線に乗ったルーム・トゥ・リード とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチのお二人のお話しはとっても魅力的で、帰り道までMSTERIOを味わうことができました。



 やっぱりMSTERIOは楽しい。二泊三日でも持ち帰る物はあるし、帰り際に込み上げてくるものがありました。久しぶりに帰ってきても、とても温かい。短かったですが、参加して良かったと心から思っています。ありがとうございました。 Kenより』

It is the final day.

The number of camper this year was the largest and we welcomed many new campers this year. There were many campers from abroad, we were able to make MSTERIO as international as we wanted to be and we were able to tell campers that the importance of being yourself and being different during the camp. 

We were struggling between happiness of going home and seeing our families and sadness of saying good bye to your loving friends on the final day.

We all spent the final day with the mind of “Helping Each Other” and made great memories as a MSTERIO family.

In the kitchen, they all did their best to make 200 lunch boxes from early in the morning.

Campers did great job to check their packed stuffs, cleaning and preparing to go home. Besides those important job, they had to reverse with staffs. Every one was busy.

ANTHONY and adult staffs had been decorating works of campers and arranging rooms since last night. They wanted to provide great time to the parents.

Campers did more than their best to show what they learned during the camp without their loving families.

Since MSTERIO is a huge family, we sometime argued or had a fight but they made up by apologizing to each others. Thank you staffs, especially counselors, to taking care of them with full of love.

Thanks to Chef Masa, his assistant TAIJI. and MSTERIO kitchen staffs for providing delicious food every singe day.

Thank you to Activity Directors who led campers for 8 days and for putting this amazing show case together. Thanks to counselors as well to assist directors every day. Each of you made MSTERIO special.

The opening was dance and I was amazed by camper who could dance to such a fast music. It gave me chills. Congratulation.

Magic was performed by great magicians with music. Please perfume agin at home and amaze your family.

We found that your memory was in a letter you wrote in the Japanese Calligraphy class.

The performance with Japanese drum and Japanese fan from Music class showed us how they are united.

Junior campers (elementally school students) presented pictures they drew to learn lyrics of "MSTERIO OH”. Some of them sang and some of them show their picture by raising them as high as they can reach. They all learned the lyrics by heart this year.

The final number was performed by SR & CIT. This year they performed “WEST SIDE STORY”. This show is so hard but they only had 5 days to rehearse.  The show blown my mind. Teens who merely spoke had lines, teens who merely spoke English had English line and teens who merely sang publicly had a solo…They did amazing job! Bravo!

Please read Drama director Seiko’s blog.

http://blog.seikotano.com/msterio/4962/  Pictures is uploaded as well. Please share the wonderful memories with your family and friends.

We appreciate to KENJI who is a principle of Sarusho for providing this amazing place to us.

I would like to share a message from KEN, a CIT who had to leave on 8/1.

He came back to MSTERIO for the first time in 3 years.


We have annual MSTERIO Christmas Part on 12/18 so save the date! 


Hi, I’m Ken. I had to leave on 8/1.

After the dance, I left Sarusho and came back home.

I got on Shinkansen with guests from Room to Read and Human Rights Watch. We were keep talking in Shinkansen and MSTERIO magic were there until I get home.


I am regretting that I joined MSTERIO this year. I am in Boat Team in my school. We are not allow to be absent for a personally reason since we need all the member to practice and train. When I become a member of the boat team, I knew I won’t be able to join MSTERIO this year again. I started to study to get into a high school when I was in 2nd year of the middle high school so that I was not able to join MSTERIO for 2 years and that made me feel sad. I have been joining MSTERIO since I was first grade so MSTERIO had been my seasonal special event. I come back to MSTERIO this year since I finally pass my exam and got into the high school. I chose to join for 2 nights. I feel sorry for Nozomi, Daiki, Senior CIT, campers and staffs. 


MSTERIO was the place I longed to be and it seemed so fresh with new members. I felt same comfort and the family hadn’t changed. A week ago, when I reached Shinjuku too early, Nozomi asked me to load counselor’s luggage. I was so emotional and thought “This is my firs job as a CIT. This is my first step for a counselor.” 

Amputee soccer was challenging than I imagine and there was so many things I challenged for the first time. The drama by seniors and CIT was challenging as well. We struggled a lot from the first day and I really wanted to be there to see how it goes. I wanted to be a part of the show. 


Now it’s the final day. If you do your best, there will be people who sees you and they will be happy for you and proud of you. I already experience that 3year ago. You can do this. My heart is with you all.


MSTERIO is the fun place. There were so many things to bring home even I was able to stay there for 3 days. I was so emotional when I left there. It is warm place that you can go back anytime. It was a short stay but I am so glad that I went back. Thank you very much.


From Ken

August 5th (Fri) The Most Memorable Day......


朝からキャンパーたちも口々に えーーーーもう明日帰るのーーーーという声がきこえてきます。


朝食のプレップは NAOKO & AKIRAチーム。いつもの朝食とちょっと様子が違うのは、ミステリオのコスチュームをつけて朝ごはん。昨日のタレントショーで使ったものをキャンパーにも自由に身につけてもらいました。


そのあとはブルー&レッドチームに分かれての対抗玉入れ合戦。結果 引き分け!

お次はスイカ割り。なかなか割れないチーム、一気に割れるチーム、様々でしたが最後カウンセラーやスタッフが男女に分かれての決戦では キャンパー全員が応援してくれ盛り上がりもピークに。割れたスイカを鷲掴みで食べるのもミステリオならではの恒例のイベントの1つ。

校庭で熱く遊んだあとはお待ちかね ミステリオのイベントとしてみんなが楽しみしている LET'S GET WET!!!  みんなで水に入って濡れまくろう大会。



大きな音楽がプールサイドに流れたと思いきや、後半来てくださったナースのMINAさんを筆頭に繰り広げられるシンクロナイズスイミングチームのスイマーたちが登場! いや、待てよ、その中に、AIKA&ARISAがいる、、、、えええー彼らも泳げるの????? いやいやそれはちょっとしたサプライズでした。


Hello everyone. I'm Mariko Sakai. I started to practice Synchronized Swimming when I was 10 years old. I had joined international competitions and shows. The practice was very hard but now I can control my movement with music, it is easier for me to be in the water than to be out on the land. I would like to continue and develop what I am doing though various kinds of art.”

彼らの水中での踊りは、人間とは思えない、水と体が一体化され まるでお魚か人魚のようで、あまりに美しさに涙が出るほどでした。きっとほとんどのキャンパーもスタッフもシンクロをこんな目の前で見たのは初めての経験だったのではないでしょうか?

その美しいパフォーマンスのあとは、みんなでプールに入り LET'S GET WET!!!!

そうそう今年はさる小にできたばかりのお風呂も大人気でした。特にスポーツのあとや夕方の自由時間を利用して 木の香りのするお風呂場で汗を流すことで 疲れも取れ癒されました。


お別れ会で何をするかは 明日のお楽しみ。

お掃除も片付けも 今週みんなで守ってきた HELPING EACH OTHERの成果か、手が空いている人が率先して手伝う光景をとてもよく見かけました。さすがミステリオのキャンパーたちだなあ!

夕食時に習った今日の英語。Break A Leg!!!




その火を囲んで ダンスをしたり、TETSUROのギター演奏や、FUMI,SHIZU, MARI, NANAMI & AKIRAによるパフォーマンス、そして最後は 今年CITキャンパー最後になるDANKICHIと カウンセラー最後のMAOの表彰式。

これ以上説明はいらないとは思いますが、 やっぱりこの二人やられましたっ。卒業生にミステリオから送る言葉は 言葉でなく顔いっぱいにパイ投げ。

最後はみんなで肩を組み、泣きながら歌ったミステリオの歌。そしてみんなで約束しました、また来年も会おうね、と。 たとえ来年会えなくとも、いつでも戻ってきてねと、、、、、。

I cannot believe we have to say good bye tomorrow. It is the last day we can spend whole day together.

We heard camper saying “Already? Do we have to go home tomorrow?”

There were no classes today and we had to pack and prepare for the showcase tomorrow. Plus, we had extra events!

Team NAOKO & AKIRA prepared breakfast for us. We all had costume from last night talent show.

After the breakfast, we took picture in front of the entrance.

We did ball-toss game “tameire”. Team blue and team red were competing each other but the result were draw. 

After that we had fun with ”Suikawari” - watermelon splitting game.

There was a team which quickly split watermelon but there was a team which had hard time doing it. After that, counselors and staffs split into team lady and team gentlemen and compete each other. The support from the campers made us energized and happy. We had delicious watermelon after that.

After we had fun at the ground, we went to pool to GET WET!!!

We all got wet and had super fun.

However…when we get to the pool, camper noticed the difference. They thought they could go into the pool but they are escorted to sit around the pool. They had no idea what was going on.

Ta-da-! The amazingly special guest was there!

The music was on and synchronized swimmer team which was led by a nurse MINA came in. Wait, AIKA & ARISA were there. Were they able to swim????? No, that was small surprise from us.

One of the team member was Mariko Sakai, who is performing at Cirque du Soleil “O" in Las Vegas currently. She had a message for us.

"Hello everyone. I'm Mariko Sakai. I started to practice Synchronized Swimming when I was 10 years old. I had joined international competitions and shows. The practice was very hard but now I can control my movement with music, it is easier for me to be in the water than to be out on the land. I would like to continue and develop what I am doing though various kinds of art.”

Their dance in the water was amazing and it was hard for us to see them as human. The water and their body get along together so well and they were like fishes or mermaids. It was so beautiful and it made us cry. I believe that this was the first time to see synchronized swimming so close for most of the campers and staffs.

After the beautiful performance, we jumped into the pool and GOT WET!!!!

I almost forgot to mention but we were all happy with new bath at Sarusho. We enjoyed talking bath with great woody scent especially after the sports and fertile in the evening.

After the lunch, we were busy packing, cleaning and rehearsing.

I couldn’t wait to see the showcase tomorrow.

Campers kept our promise “HELPING EACH OTHER” and everyone was helping their friends when they are done with their job. I was so proud to see them helping each others.

The English phrase we learned at the dinner was “Break A Leg!!!"

We enjoyed Campfire at final night with loving MSTERIO family. 

Mr. YU who prepared campfire surprised us again. We saw the fireworks and when the firework was about to disappear, two staffs who had flame in their hands appeared and fired the campfire.

The fire was getting bigger and bigger.

We danced and sang to TETSURO’s guitar and FUMI, SHIZU, MARI, NANAMI & AKIRA performed, and we held commendation ceremony for DANKICHI who was CIT and MAO who had final year as a counselor. 

I am sure I don’t have to explain anymore but these two made us all cry. As a present, we gave them pies as our appreciation and love. 

We all joined our shoulders, cried and sang MSTERIO song. We promised to see each others next year again. Even if we cannot see next year, we promised to see each other soon in the future.


ここで日本が初めて、ミステリオも初めてというスイスからきてくださったパトリックのミステリオの感想もみなさんにシェアーしたいと思います。パトリックは途中水泳クラスのお手伝いをしてくださいました。We would like to share a comment from Dr. Patrick Huser who came to MSTERIO first time from Switzland. Patrick helped swimming class with Masashi. 

Only a month before I arrived at the Msterio Summer Camp, I was still working for the Red Cross as a humanitarian aid worker in Northern Afghanistan. My colleague and friend Masashi - we had met during the mission - had invited me to visit him and to discover Japan in order to take a breath after the challenging and exhausting 15 months in Afghanistan. “But for the first days of your visit”, he added, “you will have to accompany me in a summer camp.” I spontaneously agreed as I had been a teacher in the past and I enjoy working with children and teenagers.

The range and the quality of the activities that are offered to the campers is impressive: drama classes, calligraphy, dancing classes, handicraft workshops and various sports activities - just to name some of them. And it was clearly visible that the junior campers fully profited from these activities. The special guests and their impressive performances added an unique note to the camp life and left the campers with the certainty that they had participated in something exceptional.

I thus see the camp as a great opportunity for the children, teenagers and adults with different nationalities and cultural backgrounds to meet and to share moments of friendship and joy in the wonderful scenery of rural Japan. It is also a great opportunity to learn in a playful way how to live together in a world that is becoming more and more connected.

Hence, Msterio is not only about having a good time but it is also about living and learning those values that are and remain the basic of every human society: to help and respect each other, to listen to each other and to have a positive and joyful attitude towards life and its challenges.

I am grateful that I could participate in and contribute to this inspiring summer camp and I hope that the children, teenagers and adults that make it such an enriching experience keep their dedication and loyalty to Msterio.

Dr. Patrick Huser



August 4th (Thu) Backwards Day!

おはようございます、と言いたいところですが、、、今日はミステリオ恒例の逆の日 題して BACKWARDS DAY!!!! だから挨拶は こんばんは から!

今日のOne Point Englishは、、、、GIVE ME A HAND

初めてのキャンパーには馴染みがなくかなり混乱しちゃう日なのですが、朝と夜が逆になる、つまりおはようの挨拶がこんばんはになり 朝食でなく夕食からスタート。

着るものも逆に着たり、パジャマでご飯を食べたり、朝にストーリーテラーがお話を読んだり、いつもワイワイガヤガヤの合言葉は 今日はガヤガヤ ワイワイに変わる日です。


いつもは大人がキャンパーにミステリオコインをプゼントするだけど、逆の日だから キャンパーが大人スタッフにあげるのはどうですか? と。 実はこれ、私からみんなに提案しようかな と思っていただけに、この意見が出た時には涙が出るほど嬉しくなりました。 GIVING BACK ミステリオがとても大切にしていることだから。





クラスが終わったあと、朝食の前にはミステリオの16周年のバースデーのお祝いをSUGOI HALLで行いました。事前にYUKINOさんのベーキングクラスでキャンパーたちが作ってくれたMSTERIOのクッキーとカップケーキに飾り付けをして登場したオシャレなバースデーケーキ。8月6日にバースデーを迎えるキャンパー、年長さんのムッチーとヨシコも一緒に前に出てきて、MARIKOさんのピアノの歌に合わせて大合唱。 それはそれは色とりどりのきれいなケーキでした。逆の日だからこそデザートからエンジョイできた気がします。

今日の朝食は準備はEMILY & NOBBY チーム。片付けも大人は一切せずキャンパーだけでやってもらいました。その間、大人たちは 恒例のミステリオタレントショーの準備。 これは大人たちがほとんど練習する時間がない中で、なんでもいいので一芸を披露し、その審査はキャンパーたちにしてもらうというミステリオならではのスペシャルイベントです。

今年は二人の名司会が素晴らしかった、SHIGE & KEISUKE ありがとう。審査員の中学生SR キャンパーたちもご苦労さま。観客に混じって 応援隊に回ってくれたCITもありがとう。




2)Little Star


4)AKB 87 ミステリオ 2047




8)Ain't No Mountain High Enough




12)ポケモン ワイワイガヤガヤ 優勝は言わずとしれた、、、、12番のカウンセラーたち!!!! 毎年のことながら やっぱりカウンセラーたちはキャンパーに一番人気。

今日も1日 無事に終わりました。 そして最後の挨拶は


Good morning! I mean GOOD EVENING everyone! 


One Point English of the day was “GIVE ME A HAND” It was quite confusing for the beginner campers but today was the day that everything goes backwards, upside down or inside out. 

We started the day saying "good evening" instead of "good morning”, and had dinner instead of breakfast in the morning.

We wore T-shirts backward or inside out, had dinner in the morning with our pajamas, had story teller time in the morning and we changed our common phrase “WAIWAI GAYAGAYA” to “GAYAGAYA WAIWAI”.

During the dinner, one of the camper, who joined MSTERIO first time, had a great idea.

Usually, MSTERIO coins are given by grownups but her idea was to give MSTERIO coins to grownups! To be honest, I had an idea and was about to suggest so that her idea made me cry since the sprit of “GIVING BACK” is very important to MSTERIO.

Since everything was in backwards, morning classes were in the afternoon and afternoon classes were in the morning.

This year, baby tooth of many campers came out! We celebrate whenever it happened this year. We put their tiny tooth into the case and celebrate with beloved “Cha-n cha- cha- cha- cha-n” music. We celebrated two campers today.

The exclusive class of the day was the cooking class by our special guest TAKAKO. We cooked Bulgarian cuisine. 

Between the classes and breakfast, we celebrated 16th Anniversary of MSTERIO at SUGOI HALL. Campers baked MSTERIO cookies and cupcakes at YUKINO’s baking class and the birthday cake was decorated by them.

Campers who had their Birthday on August 6th, Mucchi and Yoshiko who are senior came out to the front and we sing a song with MARIKO’s piano.

The cake was so colorful and pretty. We were able to enjoy this wonderful dessert because it was a backwards day.

The breakfast was prepared by Team EMILY & NOBBY. Campers cleaned up everything without any help from adult. While they were cleaning up, we were preparing for the annual talent show. This is the special and original event that adults show their secret talent without practice time and they are judged by campers.

This year, SHIGE & KEISUKE hosted the show. Thank you.  Middle School campers were the judges and they did great job.  Thank to the CIT who supported everyone.

The quality of the show was higher than ever. Please check out the photo album. 

Followings are the entries that we had for 2016 MSTERIO TALENT SHOW. 

1)4 years old Pianist

2)Little Star

3)Violin Blues

4)AKB 87 MSTERIO 2047

5)Sister and brother, Ocarina and a song

6)Sarusho Band


8)Ain't No Mountain High Enough

9)Komiki Show

 10)Jennifer & Amand return

11)Pappet show

12)Pokemon Waiwai Gayagaya

The winner was…No.12 Counselors!!!   Counselors team is the most popular team every year.

I am grateful to end the day. 

And the last greeting of the day is…

Good morning everyone!

August 3rd (Wed) EARTH DAY

おはようございます! 今日もとっても良いお天気になりました。

ミステリオ半ば、そして今日はミステリオのアースデー。地球を大切にする日、そして今日のMSTERIOの字はR。RESPONSIBILITY 尊敬の気持ちを持つこと、人だけでなく物も大切にしようねというお話をしました。その気持ちを持つことで地球も大事にできるから。


そうそう 昨日まで食事の時間の座り方はキャビンごとでしたが 今日からその都度みんなで決めた楽しい座り方で食事をすることになりました。はじめは Tシャツの色、血液型、バースデーごと などなど これから最後までできるだけ新しいお友達を作ってもらえたらなあと思っています。

午前中のクラスは昨日とほとんど同じ。1つだけ違うのはスイミングに新しいデイレクター MASAFUMIが加わりますます楽しいクラスになりそうな予感。



ランチはアースデーにちなんで恒例のBBQ。毎年のようにバーベキューシェフはJOSH アシスタントはANTHONY。サラダ、ハンバーガーやホットドックで気分はアメリカン。いやはや みんなの食欲は増すばかり。

今年からCIT & SRたちに毎食後 みんなで使ったコップを洗いダイニングテーブルを拭いてもらうという役割を増やしましたが、彼らの段取りと片付け方の上手になったこと。チームワークバッチリです。

静かな時間Quite Timeは、静かにする一人の時間、普段なかなかないことなので、新しいキャンパーたちははじめどうすればいいのか とても不安そうな顔つきで迷っていましたが、やっと今日ぐらいからなぜ静かにするのかを理解してもらえるようになりました。

午後も昨日とほぼ同じと思いきや またまたスペシャルゲスト・スポーツリズムのksっこいい3人の方たちの登場です。SUGOI HALLに集合しノリの良い軽快な音楽に合わせてまっすぐに引かれた線を、跨いだり飛んだりジャンプしながら45分間 時には後ろ向きで進むのですが、それはいい汗をたくさんかきました。このメソッドのすごさは、遊びながら楽しくバランス感覚を養うために非常によく研究されているプログラムで、現在ではプロ野球団もこのメソッドを使っているのだそうですよ!   http://www.srt.or.jp/




夕食のあとのスペシャルゲストには 球舞(CUBE)  http://www.cube-mau.jp/ の登場です。 はじめはどんなゲストか全くわからない格好で登場したおふたりが、ボールを使って次々に展開する見事なパフォーマンスにびっくり仰天。ボールをずっと蹴ったりドリブルした状態で、大きなペットボトルに水が入った状態でそのボトルをおでこに立ててはしごに登ったり、と観客全員ドキドキハラハラ。最後には おふたりからミステリオに素敵なメッセージをいただきました。好きなことを見つける、そのことがプロになるならないに関係なく、とにかく続けていくことで大人になった時、役立つことが絶対に見つかると、、、、。

今日はアースデーにちなんで ゴミの出し方、水道の蛇口をしっかり締めること、生ゴミの捨て方、などなど、当たり前だけど大切なことが沢山あることもみんなで話しました。



Hello from the MSTERIO Kingdom! This is Thomas. I am the English and French activity director here at MSTERIO. I can't believe how quickly the time is passing! It is already DAY 5! 

Today we woke up to a beautiful day! Aiko and Torakiyo's cabins were responsible for breakfast prep at 6:40 this morning!

After breakfast the campers went back to cabin to clean up their cabins and get ready to sign up for their morning activities!

For today's morning activities we had baking class, where campers made special MSTERIO cookies by Yukino, Dance by Arisa,  Tennis by the king of tennis Seiichiro, and swimming by Kosuke and our new swimming coaches Masafumi and Patrick! AND filed is supervised by Mao.

For lunch we had the yearly American style BBQ with Anthony and Josh at the helm, with help from counselor Akira and staff members Ian and I. 

In the afternoon we had a special afternoon event called Sports Rhythm! For this event we had former members of the group EXILE join us! Wow what a special treat! EXILE are a famous boy group here in Japan! They had us listen to music and do special jumping tricks while walking on a small rope-type line. 

After this we had a short quiet time of about 45 minutes before signing up for today's afternoon activities!

For today's afternoon activities we had many choices ranging from English and French by yours truly, music by Aika, Art by Anthony, drama by Seiko, and a special class of magic and music together by Tanji and Asako!

For dinner we had Curry rice! After dinner we had a special event! It was a performance by the soccer team duo called Marco and U-taro!

It was a great show! They were balancing soccer balls on their heads while climbing ladders and balancing bottle of water! You have to see it to believe it! 

Everyone is so excited because tomorrow is backwards day and the moment you've all been waiting for...drumroll please...the MSTERIO talent show! Stay tuned for more exciting updates! This is Thomas signing off. 

Good night!

August 1st Special Guest

ルーム・トゥ・リード & ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ

Room To Read & Human Right Watch

ルーム・トゥ・リードは、“子どもの教育が世界を変える” を信念に 2000 年から活動する国際 NGO です。すべての子どもが 初等教育の間に読み書きと読書習慣を習得すること、女子が自分で人生の重要な決断をできるスキルを身につけて中等教育を修了することを目標に、現地コミュニティ、パートナー組織、政府機関と協働でサポートしています。 ルーム・トゥ・リードは、これまでにアジア・アフリカの 1 万 7500 のコミュニティの 1000 万人の子ども達を支援し、 2020 年までに1500 万人の子どもに教育の機会を提供することを目標としています。

Website:  http://japan.roomtoread.org/

Founded in 2000 on the belief that World Change Starts with Educated Children®, Room to Read’s innovative model focuses on deep, systemic transformation within schools in low-income countries during two time periods which are most critical in a child’s schooling: early primary school for literacy acquisition and secondary school for girls’ education. We work in collaboration with local communities, partner organizations and governments to support primary school children to develop literacy skills and build a habit to read and to ensure girls can complete secondary school with the capabilites which are necessary to negotiate key life decisions. Room to Read has benefited 10 million children across 17,500 communities in Asia and Africa and aims to reach 15 million children by 2020. Learn more at www.roomtoread.org.

今尾礼子/Reiko Imao

早稲田大学卒業後、日本IBM入社。金融サービス事業、ソフトウェア事業を 経て、戦略コンサルティング部門にてグローバルビジネスの戦略策定等を担う。2008年からルーム・トゥ・リードのボランティア・サポーターとして、日本語サイトの構築、チャリティ・イベントの企画・運営等を行う。2011年よりルーム・トゥ・リードの日本法人にてファンドレイジング担当として、企業パートナーシップ構築や広報、イベントなど幅広く取り組んでいる。Ecole de Management de Lyon経営学修士。

Reiko Imao is one of the two fundraising staffs of Room to Read in Japan. She started volunteering for Room to Read in 2008, leading its first website in Japanese and some charity events while she was a business consultant of IBM Japan, participating many strategic planning projects of international corporations.  Ecole de Management de Lyon, MBA. Waseda University, BA.

ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは、世界をリードする人権NGO(非政府組織)です。1978年の設立以来 30年以上にわたって、世界の人びとの権利と尊厳を守ってきました。私たちは、声をあげられない被害者に代って、人権が踏みにじられている現実を世界に知らせます。そして、加害者の責任を追及する世界的な世論を作り出していきます。ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは、客観的かつ徹底した調査を行い、それを基にした戦略的なターゲット アドボカシー(ロビイング / 政策提言)を行います。質の高い調査とアドボカシーを組み合わせて、人権侵害の解決に向けた行動を求める世論と圧力を作り出します。そして、人権侵害の加害者が負うコストを高めていきます。シリアでの政府軍と反政府軍によって犠牲となる多くの市民。ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは、人権侵害の原因を見極めてこれを解決し、表面的ではない真の変化を実現するための法的基盤そして道徳的土台を築いてきました。そして、世界中の人びとが、安全で正義が貴ばれる社会で生活できるよう、今後も活動し続けます。

Human Rights Watch is a nonprofit, nongovernmental human rights organization made up of roughly 400 staff members around the globe. Its staff consists of human rights professionals including country experts, lawyers, journalists, and academics of diverse backgrounds and nationalities. Established in 1978, Human Rights Watch is known for its accurate fact-finding, impartial reporting, effective use of media, and targeted advocacy, often in partnership with local human rights groups. Each year, Human Rights Watch publishes more than 100 reports and briefings on human rights conditions in some 90 countries, generating extensive coverage in local and international media. With the leverage this brings, Human Rights Watch meets with governments, the United Nations, regional groups like the African Union and the European Union, financial institutions, and corporations to press for changes in policy and practice that promote

human rights and justice around the world.

趙正美/Jungmi Cho

国際人権NGO ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ

発展戦略・グローバル構想局 ディレクター


Jungmi has joined Human Rights Watch Tokyo office in October 2012 as the Associate Director of Development Outreach. Prior to joining HRW, Jungmi had worked for Dentsu Inc., the largest advertising agency in the world, for over 14 years as a senior strategic planner, managing total branding strategy for various global top-tier companies such as Coca-Cola and Sony. Her dedication to HRW in fact dates back to the time prior to the opening of the Tokyo office in 2009; as a pro-bono volunteer she has provided invaluable assistance on logistical planning and implementation of all the major fundraising events in Tokyo including Annual Dinners and Film Events.



「平成80′s ディスコ・ムーヴメント」のパイオニア。

ディスコ放送番組DJの先駆者として、【Disco Train/TOKYO MX】、【RADIO DISCO/InterFM897】、TOKYO-FM系【FAMILY DISCO/JFN全国放送】等に出演、すべてがメディア業界初として話題となる。コンピレーションCDの選曲・制作を多数てがけ、好評「Disco Train」シリーズ3作は、全てオリコンTOP30入りを果たす。
平日900名の動員を誇る「Dynasty Tokyo Surfer’s Night」の主催をはじめ、復活した伝説のディスコ「キサナドゥ」「ナバーナ」、約2300人規模を誇る日本最大のホテルディスコイベント「PRINCE DISCO」等のメインDJを務める。 また、親子で楽しむ「Family Disco」を10年以上プロデュース、ホテルや教育機関から人気を得ている。今、元気なバブル世代に最も支持されているDJ・タレント・司会者・音楽プロデューサー。  民放フリーアナウンサー、司会者のパイオニア「押阪忍」の長男でもある。「ディスコミュージックで元気と笑顔!」「犯罪の無い、健全なディスコカルチャーを伝達する」ことを使命として活動中。

Official DJ for Mr. and Mrs. Abe, the Prime Minister of Japan
Special Lecturer at Kunitachi College of Music

As a pioneer of the disco radio DJ, he hosted shows such as "Disco Train/TOKYO MX", "RADIO DISCO/InterFM897" and "FAMILY DISCO/JFN" and he was a first DJ who did this. He produced many compilation CDs and "Disco Train" series were in Oicon TOP30. He has been hosting "Dynasty Tokyo Surger's Night", and appearing  as a main DJ at the legendary discos such as "XANADU' and "NIRVAN" and the largest hotel disco event "PRINCE DISCO". He has been producing "Family Disco" for parents and kids for more thn 10 years and is popular among hotel business and educational field. He works as a talent, MC and music proucer as well and supported by fans in so-called "Bubble Generation".  He is a son of Shinobu Oshizaka who was a popular free anouncer and a pioneer of MC. His mottos are "Be happy and healthy with Disco music!" and "Pass clean and healthy Disco culture to the next generation".

ゲストアーチスト 清貴/Guest Artist Ki-Yo

August 2nd (Tue)

おはようございます!!! 四日目になりました。 今朝も早起きキャンパーが次々にSUGOI HALLに続々と現れ、手伝いをしたいしたいともう大変。 

今日のブレックファーストプレップはSophia & Daiki キャビン。キャンパーはパンを切ったり、ジュースを出したり、卵をむいたり、やることは盛りだくさん。

さて 今日のブログはドラマアシスタントのMARINAがお届けいたします!!! 写真は後ほど。


そして静かな時間....あれ、あれれれ?お空が賑やかです。はい、二日連続の雷!今回はかなり大きな音で、キャンパー達もちょっと怖かったみたい。でも大丈夫、みんな一緒だもんね。楽しい午後のクラスに向かって出発です。Music、 Language、 Drama、 Art、Ceramic、そして M&MことMusic & Magic。個性的なクラスで一人一人の個性もどんどん伸びていきます。そうそう、今日からJRキャンパーもDramaのクラスが選べるようになりました!SR&CITとはまた全然違ったものになりそうな感じ、ワクワク... 

夕食の席順は今度はシャツの色別です。なるほど、黄色やピンクなど着ている人数の少ないグループは一緒に食べているのね。これまた綺麗!豚肉の生姜焼きにサラダ、スープを美味しくいただきました。夕食時に習った新しい英語のフレーズ THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX この意味はキャンパーがお家に戻ったら聞いてみてくださいね。

そして夜のスペシャルイベント。今日はなんと、SUGOI HALLがみんなの想像力でコンサートホールに変身しました。いつもとちょっと違う緊張感の中で始まったのは、なんとお能です。獅子が舞う『石橋』(しゃっきょう)を披露して下さったのは梅若紀影先生。ゆっくりと舞う中に貫かれる静けさ。「とにかく本物を見てもらいたい」という  さんの思いはみんなの心に必ずや何かを残したことでしょう。前に出て動きを習ったキャンパー達、よく頑張りました。次のゲストはソプラノ歌手の田村麻子さん。やはり音楽には言葉では伝えられない何かを人に届ける力があります。こんなに近くで美しいマスカーニのアヴェマリアを聞くのは、おそらくほとんどのキャンパー、スタッフにとって初めての経験だったのではないでしょうか。

そして何と言ってもサプライズだったのはオペラと能のコラボレーション!Music & Magicの音楽のデレクター(オペラ歌手)の麻子さんの心に響くカッチーニのアヴェマリアに梅若紀影先生のの毅然とした舞...東西にそれぞれ古くから伝わる伝統と文化の融合です。これは今年のMSTERIOのこの晩にしか味わえない本当に贅沢な時間でした。梅若紀影先生、麻子さん、貴重な体験を本当にありがとうございました。


Hello MSTERIO parents,

My name is Ian and I'm from Los Angeles, USA! It's my first time at MSTERIO and my first time in Japan! I am loving every minute here and I know your children are enjoying it just as much as I am. Not only are the children continuing to learn and grow at MSTERIO, but they have also taught me so much about the Japanese language and how to be a kid again. I am so thankful for this experience so far and I appreciate how amazing and wonderful your children are to each other, the MSTERIO staff, and our special guests.

Today the campers learned that the "E" in MSTERIO means "ENJOY" and that is exactly what they continue to do... enjoy their time here. Many of the campers returned to classes that they have enjoyed thus far. Whether it is swimming, ceramics, dance, or any of the other wonderful classes offered here, the campers continue to put a big smile on their face and actively participate in what they love to do. I decided to take the cooking class and I learned how to make my very first bento box! It was in the shape of a Pokemon ball, which the campers loved. 

In the evening, the campers and staff were treated with special performances by Kisho Umewakaa world renowned Noh performer and Asaka Tamura, a talented opera singer. As an added bonus, MSTERIO had the opportunity to watch both Asaka and Kisho share the same stage together and show us a beautiful fusion of both opera and Noh. The combined performance was dramatic, amazing, and breathtaking; it was a show that I'll never forget. I'm so glad to be here at MSTERIO and I can't believe we're already at the halfway point. I look forward to meeting you all at parents' night when your camper shares with you what they've learned during their time here. 




July 31st (Sun) 7月31日のゲストのみなさん

中島 さち子/Sachiko Nakajima /Jazz Pianist&Mathematician (Phoenix Consulting)





2010年中島さち子TRIO "Rejoice!"リリース。各誌で好評を得る。2012年『人生を変える「数学」そして「音楽」』出版(講談社、現在第6版、中国版も刊行)。2016年新アルバム2枚リリース予定。

現在、演奏・作曲活動の他、各地で数学・音楽の講演・ワークショップ、執筆、メディア出演・監修、Global Leader

育成等実施。イタリアビエンナーレ建築展"Time, Space, Existence 2016"に音楽提供中。ミステリオには初参加!10歳の娘の母。

関根 泰  Yasushi Sekine







August 1st (Mon)

三日目の朝、群馬の山会えから美しい太陽が昇り ワクワクの1日になりそうな予感。

キャンパーたちの中には今日になるのが待ちきれないのか、とても早起きなキャンパーが目立ちます。そこで早起きチームには昨日やり残したことをお手伝いしていただくことにしました。お手伝いを率先してやってくれるキャパーの数があまりにも大勢いることにびっくり! これはまさしくミステリオが今年テーマにしているHELPING EACH OTERRそのもの。キャンパーたちは昨日干した水着やタオルをきちんとたたんでテーブルに並べてくれたのですよ。

朝食の準備はMAO & JENSEN/MARTY のキャビン。そのカウンセラーの一人のMARTYが日本語で学んだという漢字を書いてブッフェテーブルに置いてくれました。 その素敵な言葉とは、、、、医食同源。朝食の後は、キャビン掃除以外にコモンエリア(みんなで使う場所)の掃除も今日から始まりました。

今朝のクラスは、フィールド、ダンス、クッキング、水泳。今日からスタートのクッキングクラスでは、思い思いのお弁当をお皿に盛り付け。 ダンスは昨日に引き続き あるミュージカルの歌に合わせて踊ります。水泳もいろんなゲームを通して泳ぎにチャレンジ。そして昨日なかったテニスは大人気。


また午後は 中高生だけのスペシャルクラスを設けてみました。 ゲストスピーカーに Room to Read そして Human Right Watchからお二人の方をお招きし、彼らの仕事について熱く語っていただきました。

小学生たちは、Language, Music, Ceramic, Music & Magic, Math and Science にわかれてクラスが展開されました。中高生がドラマのクラスに出席している間、小学生は別のスペシャルプロジェクトの練習に。どんな作品が出来上がるかは お楽しみに!!!  


またいつも使っているSUGOI HALL にピクニックに行ったつもりになってブルーシートを敷きつめてピザを美味しく楽しそうに食べるキャンパーたちの笑顔が最高。

ミステリオでピザといえば、、、定番なイベント、、、、、そう 今晩はDISCO NIGHTでフィーバー!!!! な、な、なんとその上、DJ OSSHYさんが登場にキャンパーもスタッフも最高にノリノリ。OSSHYさんはキャンパーのリズム感にかなりびっくりしていらっしゃいました! それだけだと思いきや、な な なんと去年ゲストとしてパフォーマンスをしてくださったKi-Yoも登場。SUGOI HALL  の真ん中にセットした舞台でKi-Yoが2曲のソロを披露、そして最後はやっぱり ミステリオソングでみんなで輪になって今日の日を終えました。 


PS 今日はとってもたくさん写真を撮ったので そのアップは明日にトライしたいと思います。




July 31st (Sun)

快晴の朝、ミステリオの1日は 6:40 MAYA & SHINGO/KEITA Cabin がキッチンに集まってみんなの朝ごはんの準備から始まります。


昨日は室内にいることが多かったのですが、今日からはレギュラークラスのスタート、午前中はみんなで外に大集合。なんと、今年もアンプテイサッカーチームALVORADAの皆さんが来てくださいました。今年のチームの中に小学校3年の男子の姿も! 彼は 8/27に放送する24時間テレビ 日本テレビ、愛は地球を救うにて、 アンプティサッカー選手として取り上げられることになったそうです! 皆さんも是非見てみてくださいね。はじめの1時間はキャンパー全員参加。 そのあとは、ダンスと水泳、もしくサッカーのクラスに分かれて 思い切り楽しみました。運動した後のランチは、特に最高、メニューは冷やし中華、みんなまだ二日目なのにこの食欲にはびっくりです。



Language  語学のクラス 今日はフランス語 ミュージック アート ドラマのほか、今年初めてミステリオに登場した数学とサイエンスのクラスも登場しました。

これらのクラスを2つ選択できる午後 迷いながらも初めてのことにチャレンジするキャンパーの目はキラキラと輝いていました。




夜のスペシャルイベントは ここの地元の方たちがいらしてくださり、紙芝居と民話の夕べをエンジョイしました。https://www.facebook.com/民話と紙芝居の家-1515189192094149/?pnref=lhc


そのあとは、明日から始まるMUSIC AND MAGICのクラスのマジックを受け持ってくださるTANJIさんがほんのちょっとだけマジックを披露してくださいました。 そのことで、きっと明日のクラスは大人気になると思います。 そして最後を飾ってくださったゲストは、、、、今日数学のクラスを受け持ってくださった中島さち子さんによるジャズピアノ演奏。数学だけでなくジャズもこなす多彩なさち子さんの演奏に、目をクリクリさせて聞くキャパーたち。


Another wonderful day at MSTERIO! This is Joshua, staff member and ceramics activity director reporting from  MSTERIO Day 2. Today was a day of many firsts: our first full day of activities, the MSTERIO debut of our Science and French classes, a first dip for many in Sarusho's brand new onsen baths, our first Kamishibai (paper storytelling theater) special performance, and best of all, the most campers we've ever had! We were also greeted by many familiar faces, and we are all especially grateful to the Alvorada amputee soccer team for joining us once again. It's such a thrill to be back at MSTERIO, and we can't wait for even more fun!



July 30th (Sat) Special Guest - Charlie Okumura

2016 MSTERIO GUEST BIO  ミステリオ・ゲストの紹介


7/30 (Sat)

Evening with Musical songs ミュージカルの夕べ

出演/Performance by: チャーリー、ありさ、あいか/Charlie, Arisa & Aika

奥村チャーリー/Charlie Okumura


1977 年、アメリカ カリフォルニア州ウェストミンスター生まれ。

演歌や詩吟など日本の音楽をこよなく愛す日系一世の両親の元に生まれる。幼少時に演歌に目覚め、現地 LA で“演歌少年”として名を馳せる。


ディズニーランドでの歌のステージや、得意のダンスパフォーマンス活動、 演歌をテーマにした現地ラジオ局でのパーソナリティなどを経て、 2010 年、日本での音楽活動をスタートすべく東京へ移住。現在 34 歳。母国語は英語と鹿児島弁。

Charlie Okamura was born in 1977 in Westminster, California. He is the oldest son of avid traditional Japanese country and folk song enthusiasts. The first stage appearance took place in Little Tokyo (Los Angeles) in an amateur vocal contest, when Charlie was only 5 years of age. At the age of 8, Charlie won the first prize at a karaoke contest in Little Tokyo.  This was the beginning of his singing career. 

From age 8 to 18, Charlie received Enka training and soon became a popular Enka singer, often referred as a "Little Enka Boy".  He performed with various Enka professional singers in their concerts and was also repeatedly invited to sing in various events in Los Angeles.  Charlie’s musical horizon extended from Enka to theatrical, classical, pop and R&B during high school years. At the orange county high school of the arts, Charlie was elected to join a pop group, the kids next door, and performed at various venues including a performance with Don Ho.  

Upon his graduation, Charlie put musical enthusiasm to good use by becoming a part of the Young Americans, a non-profit organization. For five years, he traveled extensively; 26 states and Germany to teach the joy and importance of music to children. Charlie and his cast also sang in various non-profit events such as the opening of Special Olympics in Michigan and Senior Olympics in Arizona. 

Charlie then pursued his career at the Ritz Carlton in Southern California as an audio visual specialist, while continuing his singing career at Disneyland resort. He has performed as a DJ, danced hip hop and swing danced for over 15 years.  Charlie has worked with Grammy award winning producer Darryl Swann, recording a demo song (Nobody Till You) for him in Hollywood, California. 

Charlie now resides in Tokyo pursuing further development of his singing career. Through music he delivers synergy of various cultures, experiences, and most importantly, his passion for this art.

チャーリー&山本愛香&小島ありさとのコラボレーション/Collaboration with Charlie, Aika and Arisa


July 30th (Sat)

新宿駅で見送りをしてくださったみなさん、ありがとうございました。無事にさるしょうに到着しましたよ!!!!! 途中のバスも楽しく和気藹々。お弁当も食欲もりもり。さるしょうに着いた後は、すでに到着していたスタッフたちが暖かく迎えてくれました。


今日の夕食の前には ミステリオキンダムへの入国手続きをするために移民局でイミグレーションオフィサーたちがパスポートにスタンプを押してくれました。

夕食は、テリヤキチキンホカホカのご飯にふりかけ、野菜の付け合わせにトマトスープ。その食欲にシェフもびっくり! 何ってったって120名に近い食事を作ってくださるシェフには脱帽です。


Aiko's cabin: HAFM
Haruko, Mayu, Ayumi, Mana, Hana, Fumi

Akira's cabin: Koutetsu no Akira to Gorilla
Sho, Ayato, Maru, Hiroya, Kirima, Tetsuro

Daiki's cabin: Tequila Sunrise
Hirochika, Shin, Koki, Kouma, Tomoki, Yuya, Ken

Emily's cabin: iGirls v.10
Himeka, Minami, Aria, Rei, Rin

Keita & Shingo's cabin: Family Mart (Famima) 
Yusuke, Kose, Rintaro, Kei, Yuki, Takayuki

Mao's cabin: STEFETS
Mayuko, Ryo, Natsuko, Meri, Kano, Shizu

Marty & Jensen's cabin: Futsu- no Ningen
Taiga, Justin, Akihiro, Haruki, Koga, Daniel

Maya's cabin: TAMIGAS
Tamane, Hinata, Sarina, Kyoko, Elisa, Nanami

Naoko's cabin: MKG
Miko, Risako, Yuko, Momoko, Mari T., Mari N.

Nobby's cabin: Shin-panzee
Noah, Naoya, Shigeki, Kei, Dan, Keisuke

Sophia's cabin: 16 Girls
Tamami, Sara K., Kotori, Shiho, Akari, Akira

Torakiyo's cabin: 100-yen Onigiri-san 
Yasuhiro, Soichiro, Ryoma, Ritsuki, Haru, Dankichi



とても長い長い1日でした、きっと今日はみんなぐっすり休むことでしょう。写真家のかんなさんがたくさん写真を撮ってくださいました。 その中からこれは、という写真を選んで みなさんにはのちほどご披露したいと思います、楽しみにしていてくださいね。

Hello from Gunma! I'm Anna--this is my first time at MSTERIO as a staff member, but I used to participate as a camper every year from 2002 to 2010. I'm thrilled to be back and so excited for everything that's coming up this week!

On our first day, we all gathered by Shinjuku Station, where the campers found out their cabin assignments. Even the bus ride up was a blast, and the time seemed to fly as we sang songs, played games, and got to know our new friends.

Upon our arrival at Saru-sho, there were already energetic staff members waiting to greet us as we got off the bus. After we got settled in our rooms for the week, we went through the official immigration process to enter MSTERIO Kingdom. After we got our brand new MSTERIO passports stamped, it was time for a delicious welcome dinner.

Then, it was time for the campers and counselors to present their cabins' names. So, without further ado, here are this year's cabins:

Aiko's cabin: HAFM
Haruko, Mayu, Ayumi, Mana, Hana, Fumi

Akira's cabin: Koutetsu no Akira to Gorilla
Sho, Ayato, Maru, Hiroya, Kirima, Tetsuro

Daiki's cabin: Tequila Sunrise
Hirochika, Shin, Koki, Kouma, Tomoki, Yuya, Ken

Emily's cabin: iGirls v.10
Himeka, Minami, Aria, Rei, Rin

Keita & Shingo's cabin: Family Mart (Famima) 
Yusuke, Kose, Rintaro, Kei, Yuki, Takayuki

Mao's cabin: STEFETS
Mayuko, Ryo, Natsuko, Meri, Kano, Shizu

Marty & Jensen's cabin: Futsu- no Ningen
Taiga, Justin, Akihiro, Haruki, Koga, Daniel

Maya's cabin: TAMIGAS
Tamane, Hinata, Sarina, Kyoko, Elisa, Nanami

Naoko's cabin: MKG
Miko, Risako, Yuko, Momoko, Mari T., Mari N.

Nobby's cabin: Shin-panzee
Noah, Naoya, Shigeki, Kei, Dan, Keisuke

Sophia's cabin: 16 Girls
Tamami, Sara K., Kotori, Shiho, Akari, Akira

Torakiyo's cabin: 100-yen Onigiri-san 
Yasuhiro, Soichiro, Ryoma, Ritsuki, Haru, Dankichi

We were all impressed with all of the effort that the campers put in to come up with creative and thoughtful presentations. It seems like there were already close-knit cabin groups!

To finish off the day, there was a surprise event waiting for us: a concert by Aika, our music instructor, Arisa, our dance instructor, and a surprise guest, Charlie. We were all amazed by their performance and teamwork, and the campers could not stop asking for an encore (which we got!).

After a long first day, everyone was still very excited, but fell asleep soon after getting ready for bed. Sweet dreams for now--we can't wait to see what else is coming up!

P.S. Kanna, our wonderful photographer, is very busy all day taking photos of all of us. Those will take a little more time to prepare for the blog, but please rest assured, there will be plenty soon!

番外編 And one more post before we leave....

ミステリオでは 実際にミステリオサマーキャンプには参加しなくても 縁の下の力もちになってくれるスタッフが大勢います。そのうちで 今年最も活躍してくださったお二人をご紹介します! 

We are very lucky that we have so many people who have been supporting MSTERIO and we wish we could introduce all of them.....Therefore we've picked TWO who spent so many hours to create something great this year.

略歴・翻訳の協力/English-Japanese Translation by:

石井 佳奈/Kana Ishii

医師/Medical Doctor

東京生まれ、カリフォルニア育ち、ボストン在住。形成外科医。小児科医が“魔法使い”であると信じ、 “魔法使い”を3歳の時に志す。現在、マサチューセッツ総合病院/ハーバード大学医学部にてリサーチフェローとして口唇口蓋裂などの頭蓋顔面部先天奇形に関わる遺伝子の研究中。中学時より、子どもを笑顔にするためのボランティア活動に関わり続けており、世界中の子どもたちにhappy faceを届けたい。シアターアートと医療の融合が最大の夢。人(特に子ども、若者!)、ニューヨーク、ミュージカル、ディズニー、ストーリー、ファッション、おいしいもの、考えること、チャレンジすることが大好き。嫌いなことを克服することや集中することが特技。ミステリオは過去2回参加。

Kana Ishii M.D., is a Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon who was born in Tokyo and grew up in California. When she was 3 years old, she met a pediatrician who she thought is a wizard. Currently, she is a Ph.D. candidate and working as a research fellow at Craniofacial Developmental Biology Laboratory at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School in Boston. She is passionate about volunteering for kids and have been doing it since she was in junior high school. Her biggest dream is to bring the power and energy of the live theater to the medical field to encourage children and to make them happy. This is her 2nd year at MSTERIO.


ミステリオパスポート中身のデザイン/MSTERIO Passport Inside Design

二階堂里紗/Risa Nikaido

アメリカニューヨーク、Cooper Union大学芸術学部にてBFA取得。幼少期より両親の仕事の都合で海外各地を転々した後、2013年に帰国。イラストやアニメーション、デザイン制作など、各方面で活躍中。ミステリオには過去数回参加。

BFA from Cooper Union School of Art in New York, US.Since childhood, moved from place to place over the world because of a diplomat father. Came back to Japan in 2013. Works on illustration, animation, design...etc. She’s been to MSTERIO several times in a past.

MSTERIO を迎えてくださる”さる小”のみなさん They are the one who welcome us at Saru-sho

こんな素敵な方達が、今年もMSTERIOのことを待っていてくださいます!  いよいよ出発は明日!!

We are so lucky that Kenji and Masayuki will be waiting for us at Saru-Sho.   MSTERIO will begin TOMORROW!!!! 

飯島健治Kenji Iijima

さる小 校長Principal of Sarusho





Kenji is a school principal of Sarusho. He is from Yokohama. He quite his job for Sarusho and moved to Minakami with his family. He has been playing baseball since elementary school but has not enough talent so he had to give up to aim for the top. After graduating college, his love of sports made him work at a sports supply shop and sport related events. However, somehow he ended up working at Sarusho…

Hobby: Sports watching, Collecting sneakers

Favorite food: Everything other than greenpeas

Goal: lose 44lbs.


宇野 将之Masayuki Uno


12月31日生まれ/出身地: 広島県

嫁(前橋出身), 子供の3人家族



2008年滋慶学園グループ ジケイスペース(株)レストラン事業部にて、保養施設、カフェレストラン、ウエディング、パーティー音楽イベント事業の統括プロデューサー(兼支配人)として運営に携わる。






デビュー前のインディーズアーティスト音楽イベント運営 タレント/モデルなどファンクラブイベント運営

2013年 子供が生まれると同時に退職し、知り合いゼロの群馬県みなかみ町へ移住を決断地域密着型の絶対現場主義をかかげ施設運営トータルサポート会社 Satisfaction.llc設立


Born on December 31st/ From Hiroshima.

He has a wife and son who is 4 years old.

He started to dream to become a musician at the age of 18. He has been working as a bartender, a staff at a club and coffee shop, a cleaner, Sushi chef at Tsukiji and a truck driver to live and learn more than he can be taught in schools. He felt the limitation of his talent as a musician and started to quest who he really is.

He started to work at a service industry when he got married and realized that his ability matched the needs. In 2008, he became a chief producer and a manager at the restaurant operation department at Jikei Space Company, which belongs to Jikei Group, and manage sanatoriums, cafes, restaurants, wedding venues, parties and music events.

Developed artist collaborations cafes with various artists such as L'arc-en-ciel, W-inds, perfume, Mai Kuraki, Aya Ueto and Bonnie Pink and more. Created artists' original menus and operated the caes. Other than that, he produced music events such as indies artist events and fan club events for TV personalities and models.

In 2013, the year his son was born, he quite his job and decided to move to Minakami where he is not familiar with at all. He established Satisfaction.llc which support the management of facilities totally. The company is community based and support actual spot 100%. Besides he supports local companies and Minakami town administration, he manage local restaurants. He is famous for being a huge Peyang Cup Fried Noodle fan.

石橋大嗣/Taiji Ishibashi


ロック大好き、フェス大好きのいまどきの若者 すこし、照れ屋でシャイな男



Taiji is from Hyogo. He loves Rock and music festivals. A little shy.

He moved to Gunma soon after he graduated high school this year. Learning about the world under the guidance of his uncle, Chef Masayuki.





MSTERIO を支える仲間たち - Part 4

千葉 颯丸/Kazemaru Chiba


I graduated from International Christian University (ICU) this spring and started my new life as a student in a Graduate School of Public Policy, the University of Tokyo, majoring in Political Science. I am always thinking how to solve several social issues. I am a genuine Japanese who was born and raised in Shiogama, Miyagi until I came to Tokyo 4 years ago. During the whole ICU life, I have experienced many things in several places; I studied in the summer school in Scotland, did Service Learning in the rural area of Indonesia, interacted with Masai people in Kenya, and stayed in Sheffield, UK, for a year as an exchange student. In addition, I helped students to make academic planning as a peer adviser in ICU because I like to listen to others. I also like to play and watch basketball since I was in the elementary school, and like to sing a song! This will be the second time to join in the MSTERIO summer camp. I am getting SO excited that I would like to paint the picture on one page of wonderful memories of this summer with all of you by devoting my energies to assisting each one of campers!


フォックス ソフィア/Sophia Fox



My name is Sophia Seki Fox and I am 18 years old. I was born in New York City and currently live in Brooklyn. This coming fall I will be attending Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York. I love creating art, playing soccer, eating food, and meeting new people. I have visited my relatives in Yamagata ever since I was small and love spending time in Japan. Last summer was my first year at MSTERIO and I had a truly incredible time as a camper. I am absolutely thrilled to be returning this summer as a counselor and can't wait to meet all of you!


福間 紀美子/Kimiko Fukuma 



I live in Fukuoka. Thanks to many people around me, I get to know Nozomi and now I am joining MSTERIO for the first time. I am in Municipal Strategy team in Noogata City and working for “development of global human resource” and “conservation of local entertainment”. I look like shy for the first time but once I get used to the environment and people I get audacious.

舟橋 直子/Naoko Funahashi


みなさんこんにちは!ミステリオには小学校一年生の時からお世話になりました。そんなミステリオで日本ではとどまらない世界を見て、私もいずれは日本を出て世界を見てみたい!という思いから、高校でヨーロッパに行く事を決断。現在はカナダ・モントリオールにあるマギル大学で国際発展と音楽を専攻しています。趣味は音楽ですが、子供達と自然が大好きです! 今の自分の原点となっている、そんなミステリオに今回カウンセラーとしてついに参加出来るのがとっても楽しみです。

Hello everyone! I participated MSTERIO for the first time when I was 6. MSTERIO has shown me the world that doesn't end in Japan, and the experiences in MSTERIO made me want to explore the world, and I decided to go to Europe for high school. I am now studying International Development Studies and Music at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. My hobby is music, but I love children and the nature! I am excited to participate MSTERIO finally as a counselor.


我謝 アンナ/Anna Gasha


My name is Anna Gasha, and I grew up in Tokyo and New York City. I'm a recent graduate of Brown University, where I did something a little out of the ordinary and double majored in materials engineering and art history. While I was in college, I also did internships and studied abroad in Germany and Spain. I've participated in MSTERIO as a camper/CIT 9 times (!), but this is my first time joining the staff. Looking forward to it!


秦まりな/Marina Hata


Hello, everyone! I am Marina, 23 years old and living close to Enoshima. It is first time to join MSTERIO but I had been enjoying Christmas parties and events and had been enjoying great time with great people. I love various languages such as English and Dutch, Disney, plays, cereals, songs and climbing trees! I am looking forward to spend great time with each one of you!

フザー パトリック/Patrick Huser


 grew up in central Switzerland and studied Philosophy and Theology in French-speaking Switzerland and Italy (Rome) and I finished my studies with a Doctorate about the history of Humanitarian Law. I also lived for 5 years as a monk in a monastery in the Swiss mountains, thought Philosophy at grammar school, worked as a journalist and traveled widely in the Middle East before joining the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and humanitarian aid. By now, I have been spent almost 4 years with the ICRC in Afghanistan and Eastern Congo in order to protect and assist victims of war and violence. I am passionate about Human and Civil Rights as well as humanistic education. I believe that an important contribution for a better world is to teach young people to become self-confident, critical and empathic members of our societies able to understand human nature and shape open and humane societies. First time at MSTERIO.


井手上 大輔/Daisuke Idegami(7/30~8/2 参加)

福岡県直方市から参りました井手上 大輔(いでがみ だいすけ)と申します。





I am from Noohgata City, Fukuoka. I am a member of Educational Committee now but I am originally a Social Study teacher in junior high school. I have a wife and two daughters. This is my first time to join MSTERIO. There are 5 junior high students from Noogata City, Fukuoka. I am expecting that they can widen their view and make friends with you. I am leaving on August 2nd but Mr. Murai will join the camp after me. We share our birthdays.


生田 大樹/Daiki Ikuta



I was born in Fukushima and I’ve been living in Kanagawa since high school. Although I never had the chance to come to MSTERIO, my older sister always told me about. This year I am finally participating in MSTERIO for the first time as a counselor. I have many hobbies but my favorite is playing and watching baseball: I’ve played in Little League in elementary school, and in Senior League in junior high. I even played in the National Little League Championship as the captain and the ace for my team in 7th grade. Currently I study French as French Literature major at my university, wishing to work in a global company in the future. I love communicating and taking care of kids. I hope to spend the best 8 days with everyone!


石田 茜子/Akane Ishida

色々と壁にぶつかりながら、やっと落ち着いて大学生活を再スタート。小学生の時からMSTERIOに参加し、シニア、CIT、スタッフとしても参加。気付いたら10年近くMSTERIOに関わっている。趣味は読書、観劇、お菓子作り・・・スポーツは苦手だけど、大抵の事に興味を持つ。 気付いたら増えた沢山の関係、を大切にしながら、今年も生まれる、新しい、関係を求めて。今年の夏を最高なものにできるよう、楽しみにしています。

I had been struggling a lot but I get to restart my college life finally.  MSTERIO has been part of my life since I was in elementary school. I was a camper, senior, CIT once and now I am a staff. I have been involved in MSTERIO for about 10 years now. I like to read, go to theater and bake. I am not that good at sports but still interested in most things. My relationships with my friends are getting bigger and those are very precious but still looking for new friendships. I am looking forward to have great summer with you.


石川 沙亜羅/Saara Ishikawa


18 years old, born and grew up in Saitama. A friend of mine (Akane Ishida) introduced me to MSTERIO and decided to join this year. I graduated a nationally approved cooking school and obtained a cook licence. I was a member of a badminton team  in junior high and high school. I was in a student committee and learned the happiness of support school events with friends and get along each others. In college, I majored Food Science and Nutrition. I am studying to become a Nutritionist. I like Japanese Tea ceremony, cooking and sports. I love to move around with children. This is my first time to join MSTERIO. I don’t know much about the camp but I will try my best to support campers and learn many things for myself! Let’s make  MSTERIO memorable for you and me!   


小西 麻緒/Mao Konishi



I recently graduated from Purdue University, and I will be continuing my studies in Aerospace Engineering at University of Michigan starting this September. I was born and raised in Tokyo, but I’ve spent about half of my life in the U.S. I enjoy playing sports (especially squash), listening to music, and playing with my pet rabbit. Recently I'm really into playing Kendama. I used to be a camper and this will be my fourth year as a counselor. I cannot wait to meet everyone and spend an unforgettable summer together!


ロー ジェンセン/Jensen Lo


プリンストン大学3回生のジェンセンです。生まれはタイですが、小さい時にシンガポール、そしてアメリカに引っ越しました。大学では物理学を学んでいて、Allen G. Shenstone Prize という賞を受賞したこともあります。趣味はチェロ、カラオケ、ハイキングです。去年はPrinceton in Ishikawa という夏期プログラムに参加し、今年は大沢フェローシッププログラムで日本に滞在しています。ちなみに今は、四国八十八ヶ所巡りをしています。ミステリオに参加するのは初めてですが、皆さんに会えるのを楽しみにしています!

I am a junior at Princeton University. I was born in Thailand, and moved to Singapore and then the United States at a young age. I am currently studying physics and was a recipient of the Allen G. Shenstone Prize in Physics. My hobbies are cello, karaoke, and going on hiking adventures. Last year, I participated in the Princeton in Ishikawa program for Japanese language study, and am currently in Japan this year on the Osawa Fellowship. I am currently working on finishing the Shikoku Pilgrimage and can't wait to meet everyone.  This is my first time at MSTERIO.


松波 慎剛/Shingo Matsunami




 was born in Gifu prefecture. I am taking courses at Senzoku Music University as a 3rd-year student in piano course. Personally, I want to access more genres of music as I want to experience as much as possible! This will be my 4th consecutive year participating in MSTERIO. I am looking forward to spending a wonderful summer with everyone!


村井 政文/Masafumi Murai(8/2~8/6参加)


I am an industrial arts teacher in junior high school. I had been working for social education for 6 years. I think I am good at recreational program since I used to work at the social education facility. I like to jog. I am looking forward to challenge marathon. I have three daughters who do athletics. My dream is to run marathon race with all of my daughters. I am not sure if I can keep running though...This is my first time at MSTERIO.

西田虎玉/Torakiyo Nishida




My name is Torakio and I am freshly eighteen years old. At the end of this summer, I will study mathematics at the Diderot university. I live in France, but most of my family live in Japan, so speaking japanese really helps sharing our emotion when we meet every year. My hobbies are to study  metaphysics, playing board games, tasting coffee and discussing mathematics. This is my first time to attend MSTERIO. I'm looking forward to know you all!


仁科 麻衣/Mai Nishina


I’ve been living in Tokyo for 11 years now. My roots are from Nagasaki and Nagoya. I first joined MSTERIO in 2009 and this is my 6th year.  I got to know MSTERIO from Tomoko Saito as her son was a good friend of mine. As a kitchen staff, I feel joy to see everyone enjoying their food.  I came to Tokyo to create music song after my high school graduation. I’ve enjoyed composing my own music. Favorites: Karaoke, cooking, walking and napping in the sun, yummy food and kind people.


プリエト イアン/Ian Prieto

フィリピンのマニラで生まれ、幼いころにアメリカに移り 現在はカリフォルニアのロサンジェルスに住んでいます。社会学専攻、バーモント大学を卒業後、オハイオ州のマイアミ大学院で サイエンスの学位を取得。現在、低所得の学生たちが大学に入学できるためのカウンセラーの仕事をしています。最近、心電図のテクニシャンになるためのクラスを終了し、将来ヘルスケアー関係の仕事を新しいキャリアとして目指しています。仕事以外では コンサートに行ったり、スポーツイベントに行ったり、料理をしたり新しい場所に旅することが大好きです。初めてのミステリオ、初めての日本で4分の1 日本人の血が入っているために、きっと僕の祖先のことも学べるのではないかとワクワクしています。ミステリオでたくさんの新しい友達と会えることも楽しみです。

Ian was born in Manila, Philippines, but moved to the USA at a very young age. He currently lives in Los Angeles, California. After graduating from the University of Vermont with his Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, he went on to receive his Master of Science degree in Student Affairs in Higher Education from Miami University in Ohio. He currently works as a counselor guiding first generation and low income students get into college. Recently, Ian has finished taking classes to become a electrocardiogram technician in hopes of pursuing a new career in healthcare administration. In his free time, Ian enjoys going to concerts and sporting events, cooking, and traveling to new places. This is his first time at MSTERIO and his first time in Japan! Being 1/4 Japanese, Ian is excited to better understand his Japanese heritage, as well as meet everyone at the camp.




愛知県出身。広告写真スタジオ勤務後、2005年単身渡米。3ヶ月の旅行の予定で訪れたニューヨークで様々な出会いに恵まれる。写真展の開催をはじめ、広告、ファッション誌等々のお仕事を頂きフリーランスフォトグラファーとしてアメリカで独立。運命の出会いに導かれ結婚を期にニューヨークへ移住。子供を授かった後「産まれてすぐの頃の写真をもっと残してあげたかった」というプロでありながら落ち着いて我が子の写真を撮る余裕もない育児の大変さ愛しさを経験、娘の成長を期に母親が子供と一緒に働ける環境を模索、NYこども写真館を設立し起業。「MIKI HOUSE USA」等、広告子供写真の撮影も数多く手がける。2015年主人の仕事の都合で日本に帰国、鎌倉在住。 優しい旦那様と3歳の娘、まっしろな中型犬と一緒に海山を走り回っています。ミステリオには初参加。

I am from Aichi. After working for the advertising photography studio, I started to travel the United States all by myself. This trip was supposed to be for 3 months but what I experienced in New York had changed my life. I started my exhibitions and obtained jobs for advertisements and fashion magazines, which led me to stay and work in the States as a freelance photographer. I moved to New York when I get married. After I gave a birth to my daughter, I realized that I had not taken pictures of my own daughter because I was too busy taking care of her and loving  her as a mother even I was a professional photographer. As my daughter had grown up, I started to search for the way to work with my daughter by my side and  I established NY Kodomo Photo Studio. I worked with "MIKI HOUSE USA" and shot many children advertising photography. In 2015, I moved to Kamakura because of my husband's work.  I am enjoying running around the beach and mountain with my kind husband, 3-years-old daughter and a white dog. This is my first time at MSTERIO.  


下田 ミライ/Mirai Shimoda

パスポート表紙のデザイン/Passport Cover Design


I first joined MSTERIO when I was in elementary school. I designed MSTERIO Passport again this year. I am studying at Tohoku University of Art and Design in Yamagata. My major is Japanese art. I am into cooking and reading nowadays. This is my 2nd time to join MSTERIO as a staff. I am looking forward to spend summer with you.


下田 尚子/Naoko Shimoda  


My daughter has been enjoying MSTERIO since 2005 as a camper. Since then, not only my daughter but also  I am enjoying encounters with special friends, many good experiences. My powerful son with autism and my daughter have grown up and I am embracing a new moment of my life. This is my debut as a kitchen staff. I love to find unique frog stuff and go to concerts. My heart is pounding already. I am looking forward to seeing all of you and spend great summer together.


杉江 有咲/Arisa Sugie

青山学院大学 文学部 比較芸術学科4年。選考は日本美術です。自主制作映画で演技をしたり、イラストを描いたり、バレエを踊ることが好きです。ミステリオは今年で5回目です!初めての参加は中学3年生の頃。あっという間に大学4年生になり、時が経つのが早くて驚いています。今年の夏も素敵な時間を過ごしましょう!みなさんに会えるのを楽しみにしています。

Senior at Aoyama Gakuin University, Department of Literature, Comparative Art. I like to perform for the independent production movie, draw and dance ballet. I was 15 years old when I first joined at MSTERIO, and this is my 5th times participating at MSTERIO.  I am surprised how fast time flies. I am looking forward to see you and have fun together this summer again!


斉藤 朋子/Tomoko Saito

デイレクターの”のぞみ”とは、小学校1年の時から、ずーっと親友。ミステリオに参加するのは今回で4回目です。長男は、東北震災直後の福島県郡山で行われたミステリオ・ボランテイアイベントに参加、次男は高校1、2年の2年間キャンパーとして参加しました。好きなことは、食べること、お料理、SMAP(今年もライブやって欲しい)  毎年ミステリオからは思いっきりの元気をいただいています。今年も楽しみにしています!

Nozomi and I have been best friends since we were first grade. It is my 4th time in MSTERIO. My second son had joined MSTERIO as a camper when he was Sophomore and Junior in highschool, and my oldest son joined MSTERIO’s volunteer event which was held soon after the earthquake and Tsunami at Koriyama, Fukushima in 2011. I love to eat, cook, SMAP and any fun stuffs. I am looking forward to spend my time at MSTERIO again.


ストラウス マーティー/Marty Strauss




My name is Marty, and I am from Washington, D.C., U.S.A.  I just graduated this past May from Brown University, having studied Engineering and Music.  Although I love to travel around the world (in college, I spent half a year living in Paris), this is my first time in Japan!  I love listening to and playing music (mostly on the piano), especially music from video games.  I worked as a camp counselor in America for many years, so I am very excited to work as one again at MSTERIO.  Looking forward to meeting you!


菅沼 啓大/Keita Suganuma



Hey! My name is Keita Suganuma and I am currently 18 years old. I was born in Singapore and raised mostly in Shanghai. My Japanese is a bit rusty but I’m fluent in English and Mandarin. I will be attending Chapman University in Orange (California) to study Business Marketing / Advertising as a major, and minoring in Theatre or Film. I wouldn’t say that I was a consistent MSTERIO camper (attended MSTERIO 2007 2008 and 2013), but I know that every MSTERIO I attended I was left with an unforgettable experience, and I hope all of the new campers will have the same experience under my counseling.


菅沼暢夫/Nobby Suganuma


菅沼暢夫です。ショートネームはノビー。ボストンの音楽大学で指揮とバイオリンの勉強をしています。日本で生まれましたが、ずっと海外に住んでいるので、自分は国際人だという意識を持っています。音楽意外に、スポーツ鑑賞や読書、料理や美味しいものを食べることが大好きです。子供の頃にキャンパーとして参加したミステリオですが 今年はカウンセラーとして初参加。みんなと一緒に素晴らしい思い出とたくさんの経験ができることをとても楽しみしています。

Hi, my name is Nobuo Suganuma, Nobby for short, and I currently attend a music school in Boston studying conducting and violin. I was born in Japan, but I have lived abroad ever since, so I consider myself international in different ways. Aside from music, my passions are watching and playing sports, reading, cooking and eating a lot of good food! I have also attended MSTERIO in the past as a camper and this will be my first time as a counselor. I'm excited to create meaningful memories and experiences with the campers.


谷口 愛子/Aiko Taniguchi



Hi my name is Aiko Taniguchi! I am a native New Yorker and go to Japan almost every summer. I like to take a long walk, listen to music and watch a movie. In this fall, I will be attending Hunter. Would like to pursue education major. This is my second year attending MSTERIO. I am looking forward to spend time with the campers from the past and who are also new from this year. The past I have taught art crafts in a summer camp in New York. I am very excited to meet all of you and looking forward to make unforgettable memories!


谷口 あきら/Akira Taniguchi


19歳のあきらです!SUNY Binghamton大学の2年生。生まれも育ちもニューヨークですが、毎夏親戚を訪ねて日本に一時帰国しているので、日本は僕の第二の故郷です。これまでに、セントラルパークのオアシスデーキャンプで働いた経験もあります。趣味は読書、音楽鑑賞、ビデオゲーム、そして散歩。今年はカウンセラーとして2回目の参加。みなさんと最高の夏を過ごせるように、今からとっても楽しみしています。

My name is Akira Taniguchi and I am 19 years old. I am a sophomore at SUNY Binghamton. I was born and raised in New York City, but I have visited my relatives in Tokyo every summer, so Japan is my second home. Before MSTERIO I worked at Oasis Day Camp in Central Park and I'm very excited to be back for my second year here. My hobbies are to read, listen to music, play video games, and to explore my surrounding areas. I am looking forward to having a blast at MSTERIO!


冨田 麻耶/Maya Tomita



幼稚園から中学三年生まで現地校とともに毎週土曜日、コペンハーゲン日本人補習学校に通っていました。現在はコペンハーゲン大学ででカルチャーコミュニケーションを勉強しています。それ以外はスカンディナヴィアの出版社でアシスタントの仕事をしたり、アートギャラリーで色々学びながらボランティアしたりと。その他ELLE Japonでデンマーク語、ノルウェー語、スウェーデン語の記事をから日本語へ翻訳する事や、ELLEgirlのホームページでオンラインキュレーターをやらせていただいてます。好きなものはブラックコーヒーと子犬と遊ぶ事。世界で一番好きな人は母です。よく笑い、よく喋ります。2009年から2014年まではキャンパーとして、去年からカウンセラーとして2回目の参加。一緒にミステリオで楽しみましょう!

I was born at a boarding school in a small town in Denmark called Holbæk, and moved to Copenhagen when I was three years old, and lived here ever since. I’m currently studying Culture Communication at University of Copenhagen.

I went to a Japanese Saturday School in Copenhagen from kindergarten till high school, while I was going to a regular Danish school on weekdays. I work at a Scandinavian publishing company and volunteer for an art gallery. I’m also an online curator at ELLEgirl and translate Danish, Swedish and Norwegian articles to Japanese for ELLE Japon. I like black coffee and puppies. My mom is my favorite person in the world. I laugh a lot and talk a lot. I was a camper from 2009 to 2014, and this is my second year as a counselor.  I can’t wait to have fun at MSTERIO!

渡辺 拓也/Takuya Watanabe



Chiba born and Tokyo bred man. I am 24 years old. I encountered MSTERIO when I was in elementary school. Since then, I have joined MSTERIO almost every year. I love children and music. From my elementary school days of being a member of a broadcasting club, to studying topics ranging from recitation to movie production, I have since turned my interests into a hobby. During my second year of high school, I went to  New Zealand to study for a year and went to the local high school. I gained some cross cultural experience as well as a little English. After returning to Japan, I attended professional school, studying directing and overall production, and immersed myself in a variety of activities. After graduation, I worked as a Banquet Producer at the Ritz Carlton in Tokyo directing sound and lighting, while launching a business of my own and expanding in my creative activities 2 years ago. This is my 16th year MSTERIO.  Let’s have fun.


ウー エミリー/Emily Wu


こんにちは、今年でミステリオは4年目、カウンセラーとしては1年目のエミリー・ウーです!高校を卒業したばかりの17歳です。秋からはカーネギーメロン大学で工学を勉強し、5年間やってきた陸上競技(主にハードル走と走り幅跳び)を続ける予定です。科学、数学、陸上競技以外には、音楽演奏やスポーツ全般が大好きです。家ではピアノ(ちなみに西川悟平先生から学んでいます。)、バンドではフレンチホルン、ジャズバンドではメロフォンを演奏していました。ジャズバンドの為に、最近は一人でシャワーで歌うでなく、ステージでも歌うようになりました。スポーツでは、泳いだり、走ったり、サッカーをしたり、テニスをしたり、スカッシュをしたり... レスリングまでチャレンジしたことがあります。好きな事はたくさんありますが、一番大好きなのはダンス。家にいても、学校にいても、スーパーで買い物をしていても、シャワーに入っていても、どんなところでも踊ることが大好きです。みんなと一緒に好きなことをたくさん共有したいので、ミステリオ中はいつでも話しにきてくださいね! みんなと仲良くなること、一緒にダンスを踊れることを楽しみにしています!

Hey guys! My name is Emily Wu and this year will be my fourth year at MSTERIO and my first year as a counselor! I'm 17 years old and fresh out of high school. I'll be attending Carnegie Mellon University this fall to study engineering and to continue my five year long track and field career (my main events are hurdles and long jump). Aside from my love of math, science, and track and field, I enjoy performing music and playing pretty much any type of sport. I play the piano at home (for those of you who know Gohei Nishikawa he's my piano teacher!), the French Horn in band, and the mellophone in jazz band. I also recently took my singing experience from the shower to the stage by singing for my jazz band. In terms of sports, I've swam, I've ran, I've played soccer, tennis, and squash, and I've even wrestled at one point! My most favorite hobby, however, would definitely have to be dancing. Whether I'm at home, at school, grocery shopping, or in the little space that is my shower, I'm dancing. If you like to do the things I like to do please feel free to come up to me to talk about our shared passion! I look forward to getting to know you guys and, hopefully, dancing and shimmying with some of you this summer!


山田 浩輝/Hiroki Yamada


I was born in Tokyo. I am 20 years old and goes to University in Taiwan. I have been good at playing around with mechanical things I like taking and editing both still and motion picture, and playing soccer. I’ve been studying media at my university. I’ve been in New Zealand for 10 months when I was in high school where I learned English and how big the world was. After I came back to Japan, I started to learn Chinese and went to Taiwan to study. I like to have fun and silly things. This is my 2nd time at MISTERIO.


MSTERIO を支える仲間たち - Part 3

秦 万里子/Mariko Hata

ミュージックデイレクター/Music Director

作曲家。小学校の音楽教師の影響を受け、女性作曲家を志す。国立音楽大学卒業後、ピアノ教師として活動。その後、バークリー音楽院に留学。帰国後、身近な題材で自らピアノを弾きながら歌うようになる。2008年より独自の練習方法でコーラスを指導、一緒に舞台に立つというコンサートを各地で開催。2010年4月より2年間 NHK歌うコンシェルジェでホステス役を努める。作曲活動の傍らソロライブコンサート、伊東四朗氏との二人舞台、銀座での個展など活動は広く、一方学校、各種施設訪問など母親と寄り添う講演も多い。平和への思いをコーラスメンバーと共に広げる活動も精力的。



Composer. Mariko was influenced by a music teacher in elementary school and she decided to become a composer. After graduating from Kunitachi College of music, she learned music at Berklee College of Music. She started to sing and compose music influenced by everything around her. In 2008, she created original way to train chorus group and has been singing with them all around the country.


飯盛 有希乃Yukino Iimori

パティシエデイレクター/Patissiere Director

福岡県出身。2005年に早稲田大学、レコールバンタンを卒業後、「人を幸せにできる仕事がしたい」とパティシエールの道へ。辻口博啓シェフのお菓子教室SUPER SWEETS SCHOOL自由が丘校、日本スイーツ協会立ち上げに参加し、NYでもスイーツイベントを開催するなど海外にも進出。2016年2月東京・二子玉川に、計りのいらないお菓子教室「happy sweets studio」を開業。島根県江津市のお土産スイーツ「さくらえフィナンシェ」レシピ監修等、数々の商品開発を手がける。スイーツ情報誌「perotto」レシピ連載など、メディアでも活躍中。ミステリオには二回目の参加。


Yukino was born in Fukuoka. After graduating from Waseda University and L’ecole Vantan、she decided to become Patissiere to make people happy. She was a part of the team when Chef Hironobu Tsujiguchi established his own pastry and baking class Super Sweet School Jiyugaoka. She had done her own baking event in New York. She opened her no measurement baking class "happy sweet stduio" in Futakotamagawa, Tokyo in February 2016. She has been working as a supervisor for local souvenirs such as "Sakurae Financier" in Gotsu, Shimane.  You can find her recipes in sweets magazine "pretto". This is her 2nd time to join MSTERIO.



稲田 美織/Miori Inata




She had been working as a photographer in New York since 1991. Since she saw 911 terrorist attacks in 2001 from her home in Manhattan, she have visited and photographed Holy Lands of Prayer such as Israel, Palestine, Native Indian lands, Mexico, Greece, Ukraine, France, Angkor Wat, as well as the Yunnan and Tibetan temples. From 2005, she began shooting the Ise Grand Shrine and the transitions which happens every 20 years, and it became her lifework. She won Shinto Cultural Association Lifetime Achievement Award in 2015. Her photography collections were  given to G7 leaders at G7 Ise-Shima summit in 2016. Her works has been exhibited in museums in Japan, New York, Monaco, Israel, and Europe. She has appeared in all forms of media around the world, and have participated in many lectures as well as published her work. She participates in MSTERIO every year.

加藤 功輔/Kosuke Kato

水泳デイレクター/Swimming Director

長野県出身。横浜国立大学大学院修了。小学校、中学・高校保健体育教員修士免許取得。大学院在学中にユーラシア大陸31か国、2万キロを自転車で走破。「世界中の人々を一本の糸でつなげるプロジェクト」を実施し、5003人の子どもをつなげる。帰国後は大学院に通う傍ら、中高一貫校にて保健体育教師を2年勤める。同時期にトライアスロンのロングディスタンスで世界選手権に2年連続出場。2013年、旅と教育をテーマとしたNPO法人 Connection of the Children(CoC)を立ち上げ、世界を体感する教育プログラムを各種教育機関に提案するか、『世界で一番地域に密着した宿「カサコ」』を横浜市と連携し運営している。世界中の人々を一本の糸でつなぐプロジェクトは現在、46か国、9468人がつながっている。CoCのプロジェクトでは、これからの「子ども」の教育を日々模索。現在は同時に「大人」の教育ともいえる、働く人の健康人材育成を株式会社 Bodytuneの一員として推進している。休日には、トルコ料理屋で店長をしていた経験を活かし、各国の料理を作る世界の朝ごはんをカサコで実施したり、茶道や華道をしたり、スラックラインやボルダリングを楽しんだりしている。


NPO法人Connection of the Children(http://coc-i.org)




Kosuke is from Nagano. After graduating from Yokohama National University Graduate School, he acquired Educational Personnel Certification for Health and Physical Education. He had accomplished crossing Eurasian Continent, 12,5000 miles, by bicycle in 2011. He started the project “Connecting children all over the world with one thread”, which is a basis of his NPO and succeeded to connect 5,003 children. In 2012, he joined Long Distance Triathlon World Championship. In 2013, NPO Connection of the children, which is specialized in traveling and education was established. Currently, he is providing educational program “Plavelcation” to experience the world and running the place called “CasaCo” where you can be connected to the world with Yokohama City. His project to connect people with one thread has been reached to 9468 people in 46 countries.

Projects in Coc is now researching about educations for kids in the future. At the same time, he is working as a member of Bodytune-Partners educate grown-ups to stay healthy and active.  He is enjoying cooking international cuisine at CasaCo, Japanese tea ceremony and flower arrangement, slacklining and bouldering during the weekend. He has written a book “A bicycle trip crossing Eurasian Continent 20,000 km”. This is his second time to join MSTERIO.

NPO法人Connection of the Children(http://coc-i.org)


A bicycle trip crossing Eurasian Continent 20,000 km(http://goo.gl/axbVDt)


小林 勇/Yu Kobayashi

キャンプファイアーデイレクター /Camp Fire Director

日本写真専門学校卒業、写真家国房魁に師事。コマーシャル制作等の映像制作会社に勤め 2000 年念願のペットの総合企画「ワンダフル」を設立。幼少の頃からボーイスカウト活動に携わり、60年間のキャンプ体験とアウトドアーの経験を生かしてミステリオの最後を飾るキャンプファイヤーを毎年担当。キャンプグランマの弟にあたる。東京在住。ミステリオには初回から参加。www.wonderfulpet.com

After graduating from the Japanese School of Photography, Yu studied at Kunifusa before going on to make commercials at a film company. In 2000, he followed his dream by setting up a company for pets, named ‘Wonderful’. Using outdoor experience gained over 60 years in the Boy Scout movement, Yu is responsible for the MSTERIO campfire every year. Yu is a brother of camp grandma "Yoshiko" and celebrated his 70th birthday last year and resides in Tokyo.  www.wonderfulpet.com

小島 亜莉沙/Arisa Kojima

ダンスデイレクターDance Director

東京生まれ。洗足学園高等学校ピアノ科入学、在学途中、声楽科に転科し卒業。洗足学園音楽大学ミュージカルコース第1期生として卒業後、カリフォルニアを拠点とするパフォーマンス/教育団体"The Young Americans"入団のため渡米。数々のショーに出演しながらも、World Tour Outreachではアメリカ、UK、日本の何万という子供たちと音楽、歌、ダンスを通じて触れ合う。帰国後はミュージカル、ショー等に出演しながらも振付、ダンス指導に力を注ぐ。前田清実率いるDrastic Dance”O”カンパニープレップメンバー。主な出演作品にミュージカル「ハロー・ドーリー!」「ME AND MY GIRL」「スクルージ〜クリスマス・キャロル」(2013,2015)「ミスサイゴン」「メンフィス」今年10月には「ミス サイゴン」にキャスト、海外スタッフの振付助手として帝国劇場、各地方にて出演予定。ミステリオには4回目の参加。ミステリオクリスマスパーテイーのサンターズの振り付けも担当。

Arisa was born in Tokyo. She entered Senzoku Gakuen High School majoring piano but changed her major to vocal. She is one of a first student of Senzoku Gakuen College of Music Musical Theater course. She went to California to become a member of The Young Americans, the educational and performing organization after she graduated from Senzoku. She had been performing and touring in US, UK and Japan and worked with tens of thousands children. After coming back from the United States, she has been performing for musicals and shows professionally while she teaches dance and works as a choreographer. She is a member of the drastic dance “O” company which is presented by Kiyomi Maeda. Musicals and shows:

『Hello Dolly!』,『Me and My Girl』, 『Scrooge - Christmas Carol』(2013, 2015),

『Miss Saigon』,『Memphis』This fall she will be back in 『Miss Saigon』(Imperial Theater etc.) again, and this time she will work as an assistant choreographer for a choreographer from abroad. This is her 4th time in MSTERIO. She has been a choreographer for Santas for MSTERIO Holiday party.

久保田 直樹(吟水)Naoki Kubota (Ginsui)

書道ディレクター/Caligraphy Director

1976年生まれ、岐阜県出身の書道家(心陽流)。雅号は吟水。2007年に上京。第一回個展を文京区根津にて開催後も、世田谷区、渋谷区などで個展を開く。主な活動は、書道教室、個展、表札、名刺、料亭や病院等の看板、命名、ウェデングボード、日本酒やアーティストPV(湘南乃風、ももいろクローバーZ、nobodyknows、TMレボリューション等)、歌詞(加藤ミリヤ等)、sony「Xperia」への題字提供。NHK「にっぽんの芸能」への出演等。株式会社オフィスまめかな所属。http://mamekana.co.jp/  ミステリオには今年4回目の参加。

Naoki is a calligrapher (following the Shinyo Style) from Gifu. His pseudonym is Ginsui. Naoki first came to Tokyo in 2007, where he held exhibitions in Bunkyo-ku, Setagaya-ku, and Shibuya-ku. His main activities include teaching calligraphy, holding exhibitions and lectures, and providing letters for name plates, business cards, signboards and bridal information boards. You can find his work in music videos (e.g. Shonan no Kaze, Momoiro Clover Z, nobodyknows, TM Revolution, etc.), lyrics (e.g. Miliyah Kato), and products (sony "Xperia"). He appeared in NHK"Nippon no Geino" etc. This is his 4th year at MSTERIO.

Office Mamekana. http://mamekana.co.jp/ 

レビーン トーマス/Thomas Levine

英語&フランス語デイレクター/English&French Director



I am Thomas and I am originally from New York but I am currently living in Tokyo, more specifically in Ryogoku which is famous for sumo wrestling !  I am the English teacher here at MSTERIO. During the year, I work as an English teacher at IgsZ, which is a school that helps Japanese students who are interested in applying to universities abroad, especially in America but other English speaking countries as well. In my free time, I enjoy running, listening to music, and eating interesting food. This is my 5th year at MSTERIO. I hope to have another unforgettable experience here

二階堂 幸広/Yukihiro Nikaido




みんな、はじめまして TANJI(タンジ)です!!僕は以前、アフリカのジンバブエや中南米のセントルシア、アジアの日本で音楽教師をしていました。でも、もっともっとたくさんの人の笑顔が見たくなって、ある日突然、「マジシャン」に変身!!これまで10万人以上(推定)の世界中の人たちとマジックを通して出会えました。しかし…去年、ショーの最中に重大なケガをしてしまい、マジシャンにとって一番大切な「指」が動かなくなっちゃった。…マジックができなくなって落ち込んでいたある日、親友でオペラ歌手の田村麻子さんが「これからは、『歌うマジシャン』になればいい!!」と励ましてくれて、これにはマジシャンもびっくり!なぜなら、今までずっと、「歌うこと」をあきらめていたから。お医者さんからは「指は前のようには動かない」と言われたけど、そんな言葉は信じずに猛リハビリで回復中。そして何より、「今」を生きていることが本当に嬉しい。この夏、みんなに出会えるのは、Magicではなく「Miracle」だよ。一緒に、素敵な夏にしようね! そして、みんなのことも、 たくさん知りたい!!

I am from Fukushima. I learned Magic by myself when I was  in Kunitachi College of Music Vocal Music Department. After I graduate, I had been working as a teacher and Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers. In 2004, I started to work as a first magician in the Super Eccentric Theater Company.

Hello everyone, I’m TANJI!! I used to teach music in Zimbabwe (Africa), Saint Lucia (South America) and countries in Asia. I decided to transform into Magician because I wanted to see much more happy faces. I met more than a hundred thousand (probably) people through magic. However, I lost function of one of my fingers, which is very important to magicians, last year during my show. I was very upset but my best friend Asako Tamura, who is an opera singer, told me that I can be a “singer song magician” and made a magician surprise!! I had been giving up singing so her advice made my life. The doctor told me that I won’t able to move my finger as it was but I am trying my best to bring my finger back by rehabilitation. I am happy that I am living my life now. It is not a magic but a miracle that I get to see all of you this summer! I am looking forward to have fantastic summer together with you! I will love to know about you all!!

シュラケット ジョシュア/Joshua Schlachet


また今年もミステリオに戻れることが嬉しくて仕方がありません、そして今年は新しく陶芸のクラスを担当します。ニューヨークにある”ムジ’という陶芸クラスで教えながら、この夏はHaystack Mountain School of Crafts というスタジオで陶芸の先生のアシスタントをしてきました。陶芸をしていないときは、コロンビア大学院日本文化史プログラム5年生として勉強をしています。食生活と健康社会の関係を研究しているにも関わらず、旨い物を食べないと我慢できない生活を送っているんですよ。ニューヨークで生まれ育ち、今は東京に住んだ経験もある、いわゆるシティーボーイ、でも天気が良い時は地方に旅行して田舎の雰囲気を味わうのも大好きです。今夏またミステリオに参加できることを何よりも楽しみしています。皆さん、よろしくお願いします!

My name is Josh, and I am thrilled to return to MSTERIO as a staff member and teacher for the new ceramics class. I teach ceramics at Mugi Pottery in New York and spent the first chunk of the summer as a TA in the clay studio at the Haystack Mountain School of Crafts. When I'm not throwing pots, I'm in my fifth year of a Ph.D. program in Japanese cultural history at Columbia. My project is on the history of food and dietary health, but too often I can’t resist eating something delicious anyway! I grew up in New York and lived in Tokyo too, but even though I’m a city kid at heart, I love to escape to the countryside whenever the weather gets warm. This is my second year at MSTERIO, and I am so excited to be coming back!  I can’t wait to see all of you soon!

シュミット アンソニー/Anthony Schmitt

アートデイレクター/Art Director

8歳の時にアリゾナ州立大学のアートプログラムに参加し、アートの道に目覚める。以降、デザイン等の作品を通じ自身を表現している。アート奨学金にてブリガムヤング大学に進学。1975年には、”Artist of the Year” という年間賞を受賞。毎年、エッジマーでショッピングカートを用いたクリスマスツリーを創作。バーニーズ・ニューヨークや現代美術館での勤務経験がある。Sean O’Connor Lighting というオフィス等の照明を担当する会社の一員。東京にあるパソナ本社ビルの一部のデザインも担当。Live Style Designスタジオではインテリアデザイナーを務める。”Buy local”を推奨するローカルビジネスを支援する委員会の執行委員であり、地元カリフォルニアでは街の振興会の会長を務める。カリフォルニア州サンタモニカ在住。今年で15回目のミステリオ参加となる。 

Anthony's experience and education in the field of art started when at the age of 8 he attended Arizona State University.  Art and Design has been his expression ever since. Artist of the year in 1975. An Art scholarship to BYU. The Artist who created the world famous Shopping Cart tree, an annual installation at Edgemar. He has worked at Barney's New York and the Museum of Contemporary Art. He is a part of the team at Sean O'Connor Lighting. You can also see his design work at Pasona in Tokyo. He is an interior designer and working with the retail furniture store Live Style Design studio. He is on the executive committee for "Buy local" encouraging communities to support their local business. He is Chairman of the Board of the Main street Business improvement association. He lives in Santa Monica, California and this is his 15th year with MSTERIO. 

田村 麻子/Asako Tamura

ソプラノオペラ歌手/Soprano Opera Singer

国立音楽大学声楽科、東京藝術大学大学院修士課程修了。マネス音楽院(NY)首席卒業。ドミンゴ国際オペラ・コンクール最年少での入選を始め、ディ・ステファノ国際コンクール(伊)1位など世界の主要コンクールで上位入賞。02年には日韓ワールドカップ前夜祭3大テナーコンサートで日本代表ソプラノソロとしてドミンゴ、故パヴァロッティ、カレーラスらと共演。07年ニューヨーク・リンカーンセンターでのデビューでは、辛口で有名なニューヨーク・タイムズ紙から「輝くソプラノ」と高い評価を受けた。これまでメトロポリタン歌劇場管弦団、BBC交響楽団、ローマ祝祭管弦楽団、LAシンフォニー、シカゴフィル、ハンガリー放送交響楽団等多くのオーケストラから招聘され共演。また世界各地の歌劇場でオペラの主役を演じ、大成功を収める。主なものには、'.「蝶々夫人」;ロンドン・ロイヤルアルバートホール、ウルグアイ国立ソリス歌劇場、ボルティモア・リリックオペラ等、「ランメルモールのルチア」;イタリア国立カリアリ歌劇場、シチリア・トラーパニ音楽祭、ハンガリー国立歌劇場、ルーマニア国立歌劇場、「椿姫」;アメリカ・エルパソオペラなど。日本国内では06-09年『サントリー1万人の第九』ソプラノソロ、08年に朝日新聞『100万人のクラシック』首都圏8公演、毎日新聞『生きる2013〜森山良子with FRIENDS』、05/09/15年と3回に渡る全国労音リサイタルツアー(全35公演)など、様々なプロジェクトに参加。15年NHKニューイヤーオペラコンサートに出演。同年4月米国大リーグのナショナルズに招聘され、対ヤンキースの試合前に外国人歌手として初めてアメリカ国歌斉唱の栄誉を得る。ニューヨーク在住。ミステリオには過去二回の参加。www.asakotamura.com

A native of Kyoto, Japan, Asako Tamura has appeared with opera companies worldwide.Recently she was chosen as the first foreigner to sing the US National Anthem at an exhibition baseball game between the NY Yankees and Washington Nationals in Washington DC. Her extensive performance credits include appearances in Lucia di Lammermoor (Lucia) with the Hungarian State Opera (Budapest); Madame Butterfly(Cio-Cio-san)with the Royal Albert Hall, Baltimore Lyric opera, Teatro solis in Uruguay; I Masnadieri (Amalia) with the Sarasota Opera (Florida); La Traviata (Violetta) with the El Paso Opera (Texas); female leads in Leoni’s L’Oracolo and Montemezzi’s L’Incantesimo at the Avery Fisher Hall with Teatro Grattacielo (NY);  Her many appearances in orchestral concerts include The Three Tenors (Domingo, Pavarotti, Carreras) in Yokohama, Japan; the New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; BBC Symphony Orchestra; Opera Ai Fori Gala Concert Orchestra (Rome) and many important orchestras in Japan. She’s participated in MSTERIO twice in a past.

www.asakotamura.com田野 聖子Seiko Tano

ドラマデイレクターDrama Director

俳優座所属。高校卒業後、日本大学芸術学部映画学科に入学。大学1年在学中に劇団俳優座一般公開公募 試験に合格。その後 演出家千田是也氏の目にとまり、"カラマーゾフの兄弟"のリーザ役で デビュー。現在は舞台、テレビ、映画、海外ドラマの吹きかえ、コマーシャルなど多数活躍中。「十二夜」ヴァイオラ、「ヴェニスの商人」ポーシャなどのシェイクスピア作品から国内の現代劇への出演で幅広い演技には定評あり。2007~2008年、出演・制作を手がけた一人芝居『花いちもんめ』を秋田、東京、NYで成功させた。2013年、ロンドンの世界最長ロングラン60周年プレミアム日本公演「マウストラップ」では、個性的な役ケースウェルを好演、高い評価を得る。また、2007年には映画監督としてデビュー、監督作品は日本国内の映画祭で各賞を受賞。2010 年はアジア最大の短編映画祭で入賞するなど監督としての評価も高い。2015年秋にはイプセン「ヘッダ・ガーブレル」にてタイトルロールを演じた。ミステリオには2005年からドラマディレクターとして参加、特にシニアキャンパーと CITの演劇指導にあたる。2002年〜2006年ニューヨークで生活。現在東京在住。http://www.seikotano.com

Seiko is an actress and a member of Haiyu-za, a theater company. After graduating from high school, she entered the film department of the school of arts at Nihon University. During her first year she was accepted into Haiyu-za after passing an open audition. Currently she appears on stage, in television, movies and commercials, and does voiceovers for foreign dramas. She is known for her ability to play a wide range of characters, including Viola in Twelfth Night, Portia in Merchant of Venice, and characters in modern Japanese dramas. In 2007-2008, she successfully produced and starred in her own one-woman play, Hana Ichimonme, in Akita, Tokyo and New York. This year,  Seiko played an unique role in the premium performance of The Mousetrap, the world’s longest-running show celebrating its 60th anniversary from London, and was highly rated for her excellent acting. In 2007, she debuted as a film director, her first film winning several awards at Japanese film festivals. Her film won a prize in 2010 at one of the largest short-film festivals in Asia. She had starred in a play “Hedda Gabler” as a title role in 2015. At MSTERIO, she's been a drama director since 2005 and taking care of senior campers and CIT. She had lived in New York for 4 years(2002-2006). She resides in Tokyo.

寺尾 聖一郎 /Seiichiro Terao

テニスディレクター/Tennis Director

幼少時代は野球で活躍。高校時代よりテニスを始め、21歳の時、カリフォルニア州立大学ロングビーチ校への留学後、文部省テニス指導員免許を取得。数多くのテニスクラブなどでコーチを務める。その他のゴルフ(ハンディ4の)、乗馬、空手、スノーボード、マラソン、野球など経験する根っからのスポーツマン。また、調理師、行政書士、宅建主任者、などを持つ資格マニア。現在広告会社勤務。映像プロデューサーとして英語教育番組 パラリンピック特番などがある。ミステリオは初回から参加。漢字クイズに答えるとお米が寄付できるサイトhttp://happyrice.jp/運営。(NPO )LWC代表副理事。(一般社団法人) 日本解決士協会理事、21世紀倶楽部事務局次長 明治学院大学卒業。

As a child, I was very into baseball. During my high school years, I began tennis, and at age 21, attended California State University, Long Beach to later obtain my Tennis instructor license. I am currently a coach at several tennis clubs. As an overall sportsman, I love to play golf (Handicap 4), horseback ride, do karate, snowboard, run marathons, and play baseball. In addition, I am qualified as a cook, notarizer, and registered real-estate broker. Currently, I am a producer of an advertising company and am now producing many educational TV shows and special Olympics. I have been a part of MSTERIO from the very beginning. Graduate of Meiji Gakuin University

Non-profit Organization; HappyRice.jp, Deputy Director.

Japan Resolution Association, Board Member

Twenty-One Century Club, Administrative Officer

津高 政志/Masashi Tsudaka

水泳デイレクター/Swimming Director

横浜出身。高校3年で欧州横断のバックパッカーを経験し、上智大学法学部在籍中にインドのスラムスクールで 英語と算数を教える。アメリカ留学、キャンプインストラクター資格取得、法律事務所でパラリーガル勤務の経験後、オランダ国立社会研 究大学院で開発学修士号取得。同時にハーグのオーケストラ Valerius Orkestで第一バイオリンを務める。世界的NGOのOxfamオランダ支部でマラウイの医療従事者流出問題を研究するインターンの後、帰国し日本ユネスコ協会連盟で広報及び教育文化事業に携わる。それから日本国際ボランティアセンター(JVC)の現地調整員としてパレスチナに2年駐在し、子どもの栄養改善・健康教育の事業を担当。週末を使ってヨルダン川西岸地区にある音楽学校Dar Al Kalimaでバイオリンを教え、自身の名を冠した単年奨学金を設立、選考委員も務める。その後東日本大震災の支援などを経て、赤十字国際委員会 (ICRC)の国際職員としてフィリピン、アフガニスタンに1年ずつ駐在。現在、国連WFP協会で広報を担当しながら目下チェロを猛 練習中の32歳。英語のほか、仏語、アラビア語も少し可。ミステリオは初参加。


Masashi is a humanitarian worker from Yokohama. After he received B.A. in Law in Japan and M.A. in Development Studies in the Netherlands, he started a career with Dutch and Japanese NGOs, then began international humanitarian works by exposing himself to the fields in Palestine, Tohoku in Japan, the Philippines and Afghanistan. All his missions so far are related to health, nutrition, children and women. Meanwhile, he has musical aspects: He used to be a first violinist in a Dutch orchestra, and a violin teacher in Palestine where he also made a scholarship for the young music students. He composed two violin sonatas and other small pieces, and is still eager to learn other instruments such as Oud (Arabic string instrument) and cello. First time at MSTERIO.

山田 玲子/Reiko Yamada

クッキングアドヴァイザー/Cooking Director


de R」を主宰。「マダムなおうちごはん」から「おもてなしのコーディネイト」まで家庭料理を楽しく大胆に調理を伝授し、笑いあふれる料理教室として人気沸騰中。30年来関わっている小学生の国際キャンプCISVを通して「食は一番身近な外交」「食することは人の輪なり」と感じて、国内の出張料理のみならず、NY、ヒューストン、シンガポールなどで料理教室を開催。食を通じた国際交流に力を注いでいる。食品会社のレシピ開発、雑誌、ラジオ番組などでも活躍中。行政の男性料理教室、父子料理クラスの講師としても長年にわたり継続中。また、山梨県の精神病院の患者さんへの治療の一環としての料理教室も1998年以来継続中。ミステリオには2013年から参加。2014年はミステリオのママ達へのクッキングクラスを開催。著書としては2014年「おにぎりレシピ101」をバイリンガルで出版。国内外で重刷中で、2015年からは、台湾で中国語版で2016年には仏訳で発売されている。


After graduating Koka High School and Ferris University, she opened “salon de R” at home in Hamadayama in 1995. She is popular food coordinator/chef who teaches “fabulous home cooking meal”, “party coordination full with hospitality” and various type of recipes. She has been involved in International Camp for elementary pupils for 30 years and learn “Cuisine is the most familiar diplomacy” and “Eating together makes circle of people”. By learning this essential things, she started cooking classes for people not only in all over Japan but also with people in NY, Houston and Singapore. She practices international exchange by her own way with food. She is continuously developing new recipes for food companies and you can see and  hear her in the magazines and on the radios. She has been teaching for the patients in a mental hospital in Yamanasi as a part of their treatment since 1998. She has joined MSTERIO since 2013. In 2014, she did an exclusive cooking class for MSTERIO moms. Her recipe book “Onigiri Recipe 101” both in Japanese and English in 2014. This book launched in Taiwan in 2015m and launched in France in 2016. She published new boot "Salad Bowl Recipe" in 2015.    http://www.reiko-cooking.com

山本 愛香/Aika Yamamoto  

ミュージックディレクター/Music Director

演奏家・作曲家・指導者・司会者・語り手、いくつもの顔をもつ。桐朋学園大学音楽学部ピアノ専攻卒業後、ピアノ・打楽器・笛・歌・語りなど、20種類以上の楽器を操る型破りな奏者となり、葉加瀬太郎、古澤巌、藤原道山、岡幸二郎、葛山信吾、瀬奈じゅん、石井正則(アリtoキリギリス)ほか数多くのトップアーティストと共演。NHK ラジオに楽曲提供、東宝芸能・関西テレビ放送制作の舞台音楽を担当し楽曲提供など作曲活動も行う。司会者として、BSフジテレビ「Beポンキッキーズ」に出演。文化庁主催「文化芸術による子供の育成事情」にて、東京フィルハーモニー交響楽団 公演の司会とボディパーカッション指導を務める。ボディパーカッション講師として、これまでに約5万人以上にレクチャーを行う。和太鼓奏者の姉との姉妹デュオ「ヤマモト万歳」、2人で20種類以上の楽器を演奏する「アラカルト」のユニット活動も行う。ミステリオキャンプは6回目の参加。みんなと一緒に心から音を楽しめたら、最高に幸せ! http://aika-yamamoto.seesaa.net/

Aika holds many faces as a musician, composer, leader, master of ceremonies, storyteller. After graduating from Toho Gakuen School of Music with a major in Piano and making a debut as a musician mastering over 20 instruments,  she co-starred with top musicians including Taro Hakase, Iwao Furusawa, Douzan Fujiwara, Shingo Katsurayama, and many more. Aside from performing, she also works as a composer: she has provided music to NHK Radio as well as to a stage produced by Toho Entertainment and Kansai Telecasting Corporation. Aika is seen on “Be Ponkickies,” a show from BS Fuji Television Networks. In an event sponsored by Japan’s Agency for Cultural Affairs, she worked as a M.C. and taught body percussion to the audience. Her activities as a musician include performing as Yamamoto-Banzai, a duo with her older sister who plays the Japanese drums, and A La Carte, also a duo that plays over twenty different instruments. Her other activities include teaching body percussion workshops around Japan; so far Aika taught over 50,000 people. This will be her 6th time at MSTERIO. She hopes enjoy playing music with everyone!  http://aika-yamamoto.seesaa.net/


MSTERIO を支える仲間たち Part 2 - Introducing MSTERIO members

メデイカル スタッフ MEDICAL STAFF 

桑原聖子/Seiko Kuwabara


I am from HIroshima. I wanted to work at a hospital in the big city so that I decided to come to Tokyo. When I started to work as a nurse for ICU and took care of postoperative patients. I realized that I wanted to take care of patients who were suffering from trauma and emergency diseases so that I started to work at the hospital that I am working currently. After I had worked at Center of Critical Care Medicine, I started to work as an operative nurse two years ago and have been learning new things from zero. Ikue told me about MSTERIO. I have never been to Camp and I am shy so that I was nervous at the beginning but after knowing about MSTERIO changed my mind. I am looking forward to seeing new people and enjoy with all of you.

小井田 郁恵/Ikue Koida  



Ikue is from Aomori and lives in Kanagawa. She had been working for the acute general ward. When she was working at the Orthopedics ward, she met patients with severe injuries and realized that there was the limit of medical care that she could provide at that time. She wanted to learn more about trauma and critical care so that she started to work at the Center of Emergency and Critical Care, where she had been working for 8 years now. She started to learn about disaster medical care. She likes to go to museum, cook, and remodel her room. She started enjoy fishing lately. This is her first time to join MSTERIO.

江川 美奈



Mina Egawa is practicing nurse in Japan. She has worked in an operation room in a university hospital for 3 years. Mina has also been a staff member for 15 years at a children’s care group which is specialized for children who have disabilities. Her passion for swimming and helping others is blended in her work. Mina has been a synchronized swimmer for 10 years, and  she became a coach. Mina’s coaching skills were also used in specialized swimming classes for children who have disabilities. Mina had been a volunteer for pioneering dolphin assisted therapy programs assisting children both with and without special needs in Japan. She is very interested in dolphins and children. First time at MSTERIO.

塩田 勉/Tsutomu Shioda



Tsutomu is medical doctor who was born in Tochigi and currently working in Shizuoka as a Pediatrician. He is trying to work hard as much as he can for the children in Japan but his dream is bigger.  He as been constantly thinking and seeking what he can do for the children in the developing countries in the future. He wishes all the children happy future!!

水野 温子/Atsuko Mizuno



Hello, everyone! I’m working at a pediatric ward in a general hospital. I want to help the children in their daily life. Children’s smiles are motivating me a lot! I was born and grew up in Shizuoka. I have played football since my childhood and now am enjoying futsal. I like traveling abroad; for example, I have been to Vietnam, Sri Lanka, and Egypt. This is the first time for me to join MSTERIO. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.

藤林 真紀/Maki Fujibayashi



Hello, everyone! I live in Shizuoka. I’m working in a pediatric ward in the hospital as a nurse. I’m happy to work for the smiles of many children. This is the first time for me to join MSTERIO. I’m a little bit shy around strangers, but I’m looking forward to seeing you in MSTERIO.

兵永 めぐみ/Megumi Hyonaga



Hello, everyone! I’m a pediatric nurse. I love children. I enjoy playing with children in the hospital. I also enjoy shopping and watching movies on my day offs. This is the first time for me to participate in the activities of MSTERIO. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon!

2016 MSTERIO を支えるスタッフたち -

信じらない!!!!MSTERIO  まであと3日。2016年のキャンパーはもちろんのことスタッフやゲストの皆さんも勢揃い。 そこで今年参加するスタッフや数々の楽しいクラスを教えてくださるアクテイビテイー・デイレクターたちを写真付きで紹介していきます。

It is only in THREE days till MSTERIO begins!   So we would like to introduce all of our staff members including our Activity Directors with their bios and photos. 

寺尾 のぞみ/Nozomi Terao  

デイレクター(総責任者)&キャンプマザー/Founder, Director & Camp Mom  


アメリカ大使館商務省、フジテレビ制作部、伊藤忠商事アメリカの社長秘書を経て、1987年モルガンスタンレー証券東京支社に入社、1989年ニューヨーク、本社モルガンスタンレー証券会社に移籍、エグゼクテイブ・デイレクターを経て2006年退社。モルガンスタンレー在籍中の2001年にミステリオを立ち上げ、日本へは年間4回行ったり来たりの生活を続けている。2011年にニューヨークで立ち上げた非営利団体MSTERIO.org(旧HappyDoll.org) 世界の子供達をつなげる活動に力を注ぐ傍ら、Princeton in Asia、Ashinaga, Inc., Engaged Asia, Music for Hearts など教育関係のボードメンバー(理事)も務めている。アメリカに生活し仕事をする傍ら、90年代後半から"日本人としてのアイデンティティーを忘れずに地球人になるためには何ができるか"と問いかけを始める。"身の回りの小さなことからはじめてみよう"とミステリオをスタート。30年ちかい海外生活から学んだ多くのことをもとに、次の時代を担う子どもたちや、大人と一緒に考える場をミステリオに見つける。自分で考え、感じながら、自分の好きなことを発見できる環境を、いつでも戻ってこれる場の提供、そして自分の力で楽しく力強く生き抜けるように、これからも多方面に渡りアメリカと日本で充実した時間の提供をし続けたいと考えている。ミステリオには初回から夫であるジョシュア・レヴィーン、両親、弟も参加。義息子の参加は今年で5回目。

4歳から始めたピアノに力を注ぎ、高校時代はオーケストラとのソロの演奏の経験を持つ。クラシックピアノの即興演奏や、ランニングなどにも夢中。ニューヨーク・フルマラソンでは何度も完走、ウーマンモア・マラソン、初回の東京マラソンにも出場。双子の義娘と義息子を持つ。JAA & US Japan Council のメンバー。

www.msterio.jp  www.msterio.org  http://ashinaga-usa.org  www.musicforhearts.or.jp   www.usjapancouncil.org

Nozomi Terao is the Founder and Director of MSTERIO, a company that uniquely connects young people through shared experience for mutual understanding and respect. Through its two main programs, International Summer Camp MSTERIO and MSTERIO Teens, participants strive for ways to "make a difference" for themselves and for others. Nozomi is active in business and the arts, in both Japan and the US. She was born and educated in Japan. At 17, Nozomi went to Chicago as an exchange student and attended her senior year at a public high school there. She worked at the American Embassy in Tokyo, Fuji Television's morning show, Itochu International in New York, and Morgan Stanley where she was employed for 18 years, ultimately as an Executive Director. While she was at Morgan Stanley, she has founded MSTERIO.jp.  

As of Jan., 2011 she has founded a non-profit organization MSTERIO.org (formerly HappyDoll.org.) in New York to connect children around the world.

Nozomi has long thought about ways to contribute to the lives of children, asking herself: "How can we make a difference in their lives?" "How can we help them maintain their own identity?" "What does it mean to be a truly international person?" (Not merely by speaking different languages, but by remaining open to other people and cultures). "What can we offer children and how can we enjoy life with them?" MSTERIO was created in this spirit. Life always presents us with challenges, yet we can still have fun. She encourages everyone at MSTERIO to enjoy his or her time together.

She enjoys playing “improvisational” classical piano and running. Since 2005 she has run a New York full marathon 4 times, Women More Marathon and Tokyo Marathon. Nozomi devotes her full time to MSTERIO and several charity organizations including Princeton in Asia, Ashinaga, Inc, Engaged Asia, Inc., Music for Hearts, and  few others as a board member.

Her husband Joshua Levine, her parents, and a brother have been joining her since 2001. Nozomi has twin stepdaughters and a stepson, Thomas.  Thomas has also participated 4 times in a past. She is a member of JAA NY and US Japan  Council.

レビーン ジョシュア/Joshua Levine

キャンプファザー/Camp Dad


Josh has had a long career in technology, both on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley. The recipient of many industry awards, Josh is a board director of many companies and non-profit organizations. He has run in six marathons, five in NYC and one in Tokyo. Josh comes to MSTERIO every year as the camp "dad", having raised three wonderful children, 2 girls and a boy. He lives in New York with his beautiful wife, Nozomi. His son Thomas who lives in Tokyo will participate in MSTERIO this year again.


寺尾 慈子/Yoshiko Terao

キャンプグランマ/Camp Grandma

東京在住。小学校から大学まで教会主催の日曜学校や YMCA,YWCA のキャンプなど数多く子どもに関わることに参加。国立音楽大学保育科(現幼児教育科)を卒業後、教会付属幼稚園で日曜学校教師、教論を経て結婚。二人の子ども(一女一男)を育てる。ミステリオには初回から参加。グランマとして子どもたちの精神的ケアを担当、キッチンスタッフの一員でもある。ストーリーテラーとして毎年手作り紙芝居を披露。ニューヨークの子ども病院で紙芝居の読み聞かせも体験。介護施設のお誕生会などで歌や紙芝居のボランティア活動も行う。子ども大好き、音楽大好き、テニス万能。18才の時、富山県北アルプスの剣岳の登頂を経験する。 ニューヨークでは 6キロレースランニングにも挑戦。2008年から 2年連続で東京マラソン10キロレースを完走しメダルを獲得。毎日欠かさない 100回のスクワットが健康の秘訣。今年の元旦で80才。モットーは継続は力なり。

Throughout her youth, Yoshiko attended and also volunteered at numerous camps and events for children including the YMCA and YWCA programs and sunday school at her church. After graduating from Kunitachi College of Music where she majored in early childhood education, she became a sunday school kindergarten teacher. Having brought up two children of her own, Yoshiko has participated in MSTERIO since the very beginning as the camp mother - now the camp grandmother. In addition to being a key kitchen staff member and a camp storyteller using her had made "Kamishibai", she is in charge of the camper's well being. She has also read "Kamishibai" at New York Children's Hospital. She volunteers as a storyteller at birthday parties in a nursing home. She loves children and music. She is an avid tennis player.  When Yoshiko was 18, she experienced the summit of the Tsurugidake, the Northern Alps, in Toyama Prefecture. Yoshiko has completed the 6 kilometer race in New York, and the 10 kilometer Tokyo Marathon for two consecutive years since 2008. She resides in Tokyo. Her birthday is January 1st and became 80 years old this year.  The secret to her health is her daily ritual of 100 squats. Her motto is "Endurance equals power."

寺尾 睦男(むっちー)/Mutsuo Terao (Mucchi)

キャンプグランパ/Camp Grandpa




Mutsuo(Mucchi) has worked at Lion’s corporation as an executive vice president. He is now an adviser to the Japan Ad Council. He has experience as a visiting professor at Yamano Fine Arts Junior College, and as a lecturer at Taisho University. He has also served on the Evaluation Committee at Nagoya Gakugei University and has been a radio personality on BS radio. In addition, he is on the deliberations committee for Bunka broadcasting and Fuji Television Network, was the Chairman of the broadcasting deliberation committee for the CS110 television tuner, and was also the Director of the Japan Association of Advertising Photographers. He presides over the media consultant “Office Terao.” He has published two books. As the “Camp Grampa”, everyone calls him by his nickname “Mucchi”, and his storytelling with picture book illustrations ”Kamishibai” is very popular among the MSTERIO campers. Mutsuo has participated in MSTERIO since the first year, and his rich life experience and great sense of humor is loved by all. He’s a graduate of Rikkyo University, with a BA in Economics. He resides in Tokyo with his beautiful wife Yoshiko. He is a board member of the NPO Love the World Communications.  He has started a Facebook at the age of 82 and now he is 87 years old.

ONLY IN 11 DAYS till MSTERIO - ミステリオまであと2週間を切りました!



いよいよミステリオまで11日間となりました! 7月24日 日曜日の午後は参加者対象のオリエンテーション。そして30日からスタートします。出発までキャンパーもスタッフも健康管理に気遣って元気に過ごしましょう。

It is only in 11 DAYS till MSTERIO starts!!!   On July 24th we are having an Orientation and MSTERIO starts from July 30th.  Please do take care of yourselves and be well till MSTERIO begins.   

ONLY IN ONE MONTH TILLY MSTERIO SUMMER CAMP - あと1か月でミステリオ・サマーキャンプがやってくる!

6月もおしまい! そしてミステリオサマーキャンプまであと1か月。さる小の校長先生ケンジさんもプールの大掃除から始まって、いろいろと準備に取り掛かってくださっています。 もうワクワクがとまらない。

June is over!  And we cannot wait to see you in only ONE month!  Kenji, Principal of Saru-Sho has been busy getting ready to have us.  CANNOT WAIT!!!!

ミステリオグッズも続々と届き始めました。Many MSTERIO goods have been delivered.

NEW MSTERIO COINS ミステリオの新しいコインたち

NEW MSTERIO COINS ミステリオの新しいコインたち

フェースブックのミステリオページにもこれからニュースを掲載していくので”いいね”ボタンを押してくださいね。 We are going to update our latelest news on Facebook page as well so please press "like" botton.