Session 2 - DAY 4 : AUGUST 7th (Sun)

Hi I’m Thomas and I teach English and French here at MSTERIO

It’s day four in the MSTERIO kingdom and we all woke up looking forward to the events to come. There is always something new to look forward to at MSTERIO and today was no different. 

It was a little chilly this morning but it was perfect weather for our outdoor morning activities. For the morning activities this morning campers had the choice of field sports, tennis, swimming and Hawaiian dance. This week we have had the honor and privilege  of having Miwa san who has been teaching the campers how to do traditional Hawaiian dance. She actually performed during a special event last night! 

For lunch there was an American BBQ! The campers enjoyed hamburgers and hotdogs outside in the fresh air! Thanks to chef Josh, chef Anthony and chef Thomas! 

After that, it was time for the afternoon classes which included Art, English, French, Drama, Cooking and Baking. For cooking class they cooked Mexican food with Takako san and for Baking class they made cupcakes with Sara san!

Finally it was time for the campers to shower and get ready for the evening. Before dinner they learned the one-point English word of the day which was “turn a new leaf.” I hope they campers are able to gain new experiences and turn a new leaf after their MSTERIO experience. 

For dinner campers enjoyed a meal of ginger pork and salad and then they gathered in Sugoi Hall for a performance by Yamamoto Koyo! He actually lived in New York for 3 years to study pantomime! He was seriously impressive and hilarious! 

After this the campers were sleepy and it was time for bed. Another day at MSTERIO has come to an end! But there is more to come as tomorrow is the famous talent show! Until then good night!

山本 光洋/Koyo Yamamoto




渋谷ジァンジァンにて1989年から2000年閉館まで10年間、年1,2回のペースでマイムの新作を発表。2005年からは中野planBで 「かかしになるために」 第1回〜10回上演。現在も同じ場所で 「丘を越えて」 を続行中。またパントマイムユニットTORIO「KOYOマイムライブ」はパントマイムの小作品集として全国子ども劇場おやこ劇場を中心に小さな子どもから大人まで一緒に楽しめる舞台公演として進化を続け2021年3月に開催された第20回アシテジ世界大会国際子どもと舞台芸術・未来フェスティバルでは国内招待作品として選ばれた。



I was involved in rakugo (comic storytelling) club in high school and theater in college, and moved to the United States after graduation. After graduation, I went to the U.S. and studied the basics of miming for three years in New York. After returning to Japan, I created my own unique world with my sharp perspective and ability of expression cultivated by performing in mime with street performance, opera, theater, dance, and traditional arts. I have performed at the Street Performance World Cup in Shizuoka, the Osu Street Performing Arts Festival, the Yokohama Street Performance Festival, and other amusement parks and shopping malls throughout Japan. I have also appeared as "Charlie Yamamoto" on "Laughing Point" (NTV) and NHK's "Sada Masashi Tonight, Live Again".