DAY 4 - JULY 31st (Sun)

DAY 4 - JULY 31 (Sun)

ゆかりです。今年初参加、General staffとして参加しています。


I’m Yukari joining MSTERIO for the first time as a general staff member. Throughout these four days so far, I’ve been so inspired and amazed seeing every single camper exhibiting one’s unique and bright personality and forging friendship while helping and caring for each. This time, we actually have a super junior camper who is 1.5 years old, our loving nurse Mina’s adorable son. It’s so touching finding junior and senior campers as well as counselors in training taking care of him one after another. He couldn’t help but call the name of a camper and cuddle her, as she kindly changed his diaper. 


In the afternoon, we had rapid antigen tests organized by our nurses. Thanks to everyone’s cooperation, we finished all the tests in a timely manner, which allowed us to run classes afterward very smoothly. I went to have a look at the dance class, and was so impressed because campers’ ability to express themselves and to dance has improved tremendously from Day 1. At the end of the class, they even performed to the end without having Aiko, our dance teacher in front. Praising and giving a tip to each other, campers have built very good relationships regardless of age and grades. I myself actually tried dancing as well feeling as if I could also perform like them, which soon turned out was not the case. lol

BBQランチでお腹いっぱいになった後は、Quiet time。ぐっすり昼寝する子もいれば、静かに本を読んだり手紙を書いたりする子も。午後はArt, Language, Drama, Music, Stage Magicから好きなクラスに参加。アートのクラスでは、傘のオブジェを使って南の島づくりをするというAnthonyのテーマに合わせた創作を楽しむキャンパーもいれば、絵を描いたり、グルーガンを駆使して夢中で創造するキャンパーも。好きなものを好きなように自由に創作できる場は、MSTERIOならではだなと、みんなが真剣に取り組む様子から感じました。

We had a quiet time after having a BBQ lunch. Some took a nap while others read books and wrote letters. At today’s art class, Anthony showed campers how to create an island using small umbrellas. It was really MSTERIO which gives you an absolute freedom where you can freely choose what and how to create for fun–you can enjoy creating an island, or you can draw pictures, play with glue guns, do whatever you like. Campers were really into their artworks demonstrating massive creativity.

夕方のスペシャルイベントはBamboo Lanternづくり!工具を扱うのが難しいジュニアキャンパーの隣に、必ずシニアキャンパーやCITが寄り添う姿は、とても微笑ましいものでした。それぞれが手作りした世界に一つだけの自分のランタンは、みなかみでのMSTERIO 2022を象徴する素敵な思い出の品となりそうです。

The first special event for today was to make a Bamboo Lantern. It was so heartwarming to find senior campers and CITs helping little kids to handle the tools to drill holes. One and only Bamboo Lantern they made will be a good memory of MSTERIO 2022 to be brought back from Minakami.

もう一つのSpecial eventは、AikoとSayacoによるパフォーマンス。胸に響く歌声とダンスパフォーマンスに、大人も子どもも一瞬にして引き込まれました。私も思わず感動から涙してしまいました。

Another special event for this evening was a show by Aiko and Sayaco. It was such a blast. Music and dance performance by these stunning professional artists literally got us all drawn into their world. I personally couldn't help shedding tears being so touched. 


Writing this journal, I cannot believe all these things happened only in one day. I wish I were way younger so that I could have joined MSTERIO as a camper.