
すっかり春! 日本は入学式、新学期がスタート、ワクワクドキドキの季節になりましたね。

今夏のMSTERIOは 新規参加を希望されるご家族が殺到、新規向けのZOOMオリエンテーションは今週末4月14日の段階で締切とさせていただきます。    

今後の流れを以下 ご参照ください。

1)4月15日に、一昨年と去年参加してくださったご家族 及び新規で参加に興味を示してくださっているご家族宛に、参加意思の確認リンクをお送りします。 お返事の締切は4月30日。 




参加決定のご家族は、5月中に内金/Deposit = 準備金としてお振込をお願いし、一旦お支払いいただいた準備金は、お返しできませんので、ご理解ください。アメリカにお住まいの方たちは、チェックも可能ですので個別に対応させてください。



期間: 8月1日から8月9日の8泊9日

場所: さるしょう https://www.sarusho.com/


As in previous years, the plan was to have a first-come, first-served basis, but we have received so many new applicants that at this point we are afraid that we will have to end up having a lottery this year. We ask that you please review the following information and reconfirm whether or not you wish to apply.

MSTERIO DATES: August 1 to August 9, 8 nights and 9 days

Location: SARUSHO https://www.sarusho.com/

Transportation: Bus from Tokyo Station

For those who live near SARUSHO and do not use the bus for the round trip, the difference will be refunded. We will deal with each case individually after the decision to participate is made.

Future steps:
(1) On April 15, we will send a link to all families who participated the year before last and the year before last, as well as to new families who have expressed interest in participating. The deadline for responses is April 30. 
Note: However, this is a confirmation of intent, NOT a decision to participate.

(2) If the number of participants exceeds 90 by the April 30 deadline, a drawing will be held during the first week of May (during GW) after fair consideration of the balance between repeaters and newcomers, and the ratios of men and women and age groups.

(3) On May 7 (opening of GW), we will send you an e-mail to confirm or deny your participation. 
(4) After your participation has been decided, we will send you the official application link by the end of May. We will explain the process after that in due course.

Thank you for your cooperation. Have a wonderful spring time!