ミステリオ - MSTERIO.jp

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July 27th (Mon) Third Day - 三日目のミステリオ

昨日の朝 は、なんと5時前から起きるキャンパーも大勢いたのですが 昨晩はぐっすりしっかり寝たために今朝は時間通りに起床。 ここは元小学校だけあって、校内放送の設備も充実。毎朝朝ごはんの前には校内放送で目覚めます。


今日のブレックファーストプレップ(朝食当番)は、Margaret のキャビン” USMBB"& Kishoのキャビン”Bun Bun Bee"


unnamed-17今までスイミングクラスがなかった分、今朝一番の人気クラスはスイミング! 遊びあり学びありの楽しそうなスイミングクラスで私もおもわず飛びこみたくなってしまいました。ダンスは今年もまたすっごくチャレングな難しい振り付けなのに、さすがキャンパーたち、その覚え方はプロ並み。








unnamed-12途中、ミュージックデイレクターのAIKAの絶妙なコラボレーションに、特に初参加のキャンパーは目をくりくり。最後、ピアノと太鼓の共演による”ふるさと”の演奏は、鳥肌の立つ思いでした。そしてアンコールでは、敬太さんとAIKAのほか、NY生まれ育ちで今年カウンセラーデビューのAIKO &AKIRA、昨晩のゲストとしてきてくださったKI-YOの5名によるフィナーレに、みんな総立ち状態でした。

unnamed-14 明日はどんな日になるのかな! 楽しみです。

Hi this is Thomas. I am the English teacher here at MSTERIO.  Today was another fun-filled today at MSTERIO. Some campers woke up a bit early and ran around 'Sugoi' hall and played with each other. Every morning here at MSTERIO we have one cabin help with breakfast prep. Today Margaret's cabin USMBB helped out.  After breakfast it was time for campers to clean up! After every meal we make sure that all campers participate in cleaning! This is a very important skill for them to learn. After breakfast cleaning it was time for campers to head back to their cabins and clean up their rooms. Every day we have room inspectors to make sure that every room is clean. We also give awards during lunch time for the cleanest cabin! Today room inspectors were our music director AIKA and our Shodo (calligraphy) director NAOKI!

After that it was time for campers to sign up for morning activities! They had the many choices including swimming, tennis, field sports (soccer, baseball etc.) dance and an onigiri class!

When the morning classes ended it was time for campers to shower and get ready for lunch! Today's lunch was rice with beef and vegetables, and salad. During lunch we also made several announcements. We first announced a new guest! It was Keita and Tomona! They were tonight's performers for our nightly special event! We also made announcements for the winners of the onigiri contest and cleanest cabin! For the boys Shingo's cabin won and for the girls it Mao/Tamika's cabin won!

Then it was quiet time! For about an hour in the middle of the afternoon we have a time where students must remain quiet. This is a time for campers as well as staff to reenergize for the long day. Campers also have the opportunity to visit the library to read books or use headphones and listen to music, but they must remain quiet.

After quiet time it was time for afternoon classes which included English, Drama, Shodo (calligraphy) Music and Art! The campers were so excited to have so many choices and they were talking about how much fun they had in each class. It was so nice to see the smile on their faces!

Then it was dinner time and tonight's special event. Tonight's special event was a TAIKO (Japanese drums) performance. What made the performance even more special was that four staff members (Aika, Aiko, Kiyo [ last night's performer], Akira) joined the performance! Many of them were very nervous when they realized they would have to perform but because MSTERIO is such a positive atmosphere and the S in MSTERIO means self-esteem, the 3 members were able to perform with such confidence.

As you can see we had such a jam packed day and the campers are safe and sleeping sound. Good night everybody and we will see you tomorrow!  ZZZZ.
