7/30 (Tue) DAY FOUR

晴れたあ~~~~! 山間に見える雲の合間から太陽がちょっとだけ顔を出して迎えた四日目の朝、今朝のブレックファーストプレップはSKY GIRLS。 今日はミステリオのE=ENJOY について学びます。楽しむことは、人生の中でもっとも大切だと思っているミステリオ、四日目もたくさんエンジョイしてみましょう。

朝食中、スタッフのShutaroとダンスデイレクター Alisaが残念ながら





たくさん遊んだ後は、おいしいランチ。今日はバースデーごとに座ります。ランチの内容も、とっても健康的な冷製スパゲッテイーとクスクスサラダ。その後は、いつもと同じ静かな時間。 そうそう、今日のOne Point English はLet's stick together!



ザブのパフォーマンスの後は待ちに待ったダンスパーティー!!!!!!!!!!!ミラーボール、レーザービームが飛び交う会場で、最初は何となく恥ずかしげに踊っていたキャンパーやスタッフたち。でも、Sexy and I know it (LMFAO), One time (Black Eyed peas), Live while we're young(One Direction)などが流れ始めると、まずはアメリカンスタッフと小学一年男子キャンパー達が大ブレーク。江南スタイル(PSY)、チョコレートディスコ(パフィーム)などで興奮は最高潮に。最後は、会場の全員が肩と肩を組んでミステリオソングの大合唱。いつもはクールなティーンエージャーキャンパー達も輝く大きな笑顔で歌ってくれ、スタッフのShingoは号泣。みんなの距離がグッと縮まった暑い夜になりました。

今夜のMusic Mixを作ってくれたのは、去年までもっくさんのアルバイトを努めていたRoyce。そして自分は踊らず陰で全部の音響を担当したのはカウンセラーのTAKUYA。本当にありがとう。



It's sunny! We were blinded by the beautiful sunrise as the sun peaked its head out between the mountains this morning.  Breakfast was prepared by the SKY GIRLS cabin.

We learned about the letter "E" of MSTERIO today. "E" stands for Enjoy! It's the most important thing in life.  So let's have another day full of joy.

It was the last day at MSTERIO for our staff, Shutaro, and dance director, Alisa.  We had a small "farewell ceremony" where they came up on stage and received MSTERIO coins and a hug from everyone. We'll miss them but it's never goodbye!

it also happened to be our camper Shiho's birthday! Some campers got together to form an improv band, and we all sang the birthday song accompanied by Mariko Hata's piano.

Our special guest today was Captain An, a.k.a "Dr.Insect". He's an outdoor specialist and an expert on beetles! The children looked at him with eyes full of admiration.

In addition to our regular classes (except cooking), we added a special class offered by Captain An. The campers were faced with a tough choice in choosing one class out of all the fun options!

Lunch menu: spaghetti served summer style (cold) and couscous salad. We sat according to our birthdays. Our One Point English taught us the phrase "Let's stick together". It means be kind and support each other.

In the afternoon drama class, we saw the senior campers rehearsing again for the final performance. Everyone has been working very hard to show their best performance on the final day so please look forward to it! In music class, the campers made unique instruments. We can't give away too much because they'll be presenting these instruments on the final day.  In Anthony's art class, we worked on "face collages" while other campers made a series of original books in English class.  Those who chose calligraphy continued to work on their strokes. Persistence is key in calligraphy.

Tonight's dinner is everyone's favorite pizza! The dinning hall was full of pizza boxes--35 of them in total.  We wolfed down the pizzas with fresh veggie sticks prepared by WoodyMock. We have another special guest: HipHop Dancer, ZABU.  The campers and the staffs were amazed by his smooth steps and quick movements! We danced too and tried our best to copy him. It turned out to be a great "warmup" for our annual dance party which followed right after! The disco ball and shooting lasers had quickly turned the lobby into a mini disco club and campers danced to songs like Sexy and I know it (LMFAO), One time (Black Eyed peas), and Live While We’re Young(One Direction).  The party peaked when we played some PSY and Perfume! Finally, we ended the evening by singing the MSTERIO song in a big circle with are arms around one another. Our staff Shingo was so moved he burst into tears! It was such a memorable summer night.

The music at the dance party was mixed by Royce, a staff member working at WoodyMock last year, and counselor Takuya helped with the sound. Thank you both!

By the time the party ended it was already past 9, but we can't skip storytelling! After all the dancing and singing, the campers slept like a baby. We hope tomorrow will be another sunny day.