ミステリオ - MSTERIO.jp

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MSTERIO 2008 - Day One - 03AUG2008







夕食後はお楽しみ、スペシャルパーティーである。キャンパーたち全員でそれぞれのキャビン名を決め、それを歌とダンス付きで披露する発表会である。ユニークなキャビン名、アドリブもあり、ディレクター・のぞみの司会のもと大いに盛り上がる。さっき初めて会ったキャンパー達がぎこちないながらもみんなで協力し合って一つのパフォーマンスを完成させている様子に、二年目の参加ながら驚かされる。 ここがミステリオパワーなのである。このキャンパーたちが一週間をどんな風にすごし、どんないい顔をして帰っていくのか楽しみでたまらない。


Good evening. My name is Sayaka and I’m a helper this year for the first 3 days. Some of you may have met me when I was a counselor two years ago.
Msterio 2008 got off to a great start , everyone arrived bright and early at Tokyo station, smiling and full of energy for the fun filled week ahead. It was great to see the returning campers (“You’ve grown so much!”) and meet the wonderful new campers (“Welcome!”)
After we said goodbye to those who came to see us off, we all made our way to the shinkansen. Everyone got a chance to get to know their cabin members and enjoy snacks and juice on our way. On arrival at Nasu-shiobara, everyone worked together to make sure nothing was left on the train and everyone got on the bus to the farm safely. Well done!
We arrived at camp and met up with the staff members who had kindly set everything up for us the day before and everyone took their luggage to their cabins. After quickly settling in, there was a chance to try the ice-cream made with the milk from this farm.. It was delicious! We shared a new word “brain-freeze” for when you eat ice cream too quickly and your head hurts! Everyone then introduced themselves and chose their cabin names and prepared their sculptures and sounds.
The campers then settled in their cabins for a while before dinner: Macaroni cheese, vegetables and meat loaf. The children loved it… “Tasty!” After that, everyone got to share a treat: chocolate cookies.
After dinner, each cabin introduced themselves and their sculpture and sound:
Here are their cabin names;
Shun – Sports cabin
Mayo – Ponyoterio Girls
Sari – Ask My Say
Hasshi – Six Packs
Nobu – Gang Star Olympic
Reika – Sun Flowers
Seitaro – Yokozuna Mafia
Eric - Neptune

Finally, after a bed time story, everyone got to sleep, ready for the next day!
- Sayaka