ミステリオ - MSTERIO.jp

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August 6th (Sat) LAST DAY




でもだからこそチームワークを持ってHelping Each Otherしながら最後の日を思い出ある日にしたいと、一団となって迎えることができた最終日。



昨日の夜から朝にかけて、ANTHONYや大人スタッフたちがキャンパーの作品を飾り付けしたり 部屋をアレンジしなおしたり、親御さんたちに最高の時間を提供できればと、その働きぶりはお見事でした。


これだけ多くのお子さんや大人たちが集まるミステリオ、時には意見が合わずちょっとした言い合いやいざこざがあるのは当然のこと、もちろん喧嘩もありました、キャンパー同士で謝り合うシーンも多くありました。そのたびに1つ1つ 一人ひとり、愛情を持って向き合い解決するスタッフたち(特にカウンセラーたち)ありがとう。


このお別れ会の出し物を指導してくださったActivity Director の皆さん、お別れ会の出し物はなくても、毎日のクラスを受け持ってくださった皆さん、アシスタント役を務めてくれたカウンセラーや若者スタッフ全員のチームワークで その発表の1つ1つが感動的でした。





ジュニアキャンパー(小学生)の今年の発表は、ミステリオOHの歌を確実に覚えてもらおうと考えた結果、歌詞を皆んなに絵で描いてもらい 歌を歌うチーム、その絵を掲げるチームに分けての発表をしました。 そのおかげあって みんなバッチリ歌を覚えることができましたね。

そしてお別れ会の”トリ’はSR&CITによる演劇の発表。今年の演目はWEST SIDE STORY 。今年はかなりハードルが高く実質5日しかないリハーサルにもかかわらず よくここまで仕上げることができたと ただただ感心でした。演技だけでなく、ミュージカルということもあり 今まで声も出したことのなかったテイーンズや、英語のセリフなんて言ったことのないテイーンズや、ましては歌など人前でしかもソロで歌ったことがない、そんなテイーンズが大勢だったのに、、、、、よくここまで頑張りました。


ミステリオ期間中の写真もウェブサイト上でアップしています。8日間撮影してくださったKANNAさん、途中から撮影してくださったMIORIさん、ありがとう。 まだ追加も出てきますが、写真の数々をご家族やお友達とシェアーしていただきながら この夏の思い出の1つになればと、、、、。

こんな素敵な場所を自由に使わせてくださった さるしょうのKENJI さんに心から感謝の気持ちを送ります。

12月18日 日曜日の昼間に開催予定のミステリオ・クリスマスパーテイーもお忘れなく!!

最後に3年ぶりにミステリオに参加し途中どうしても帰らなければならなかったCITのKENからのメッセージをお伝えし 2016年のミステリオのクロージングとしたいと思います。  

『8/1に帰ってきましたKenです。ダンスをした夜にさる小を出て、無事に帰宅することができました。一緒の新幹線に乗ったルーム・トゥ・リード とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチのお二人のお話しはとっても魅力的で、帰り道までMSTERIOを味わうことができました。



 やっぱりMSTERIOは楽しい。二泊三日でも持ち帰る物はあるし、帰り際に込み上げてくるものがありました。久しぶりに帰ってきても、とても温かい。短かったですが、参加して良かったと心から思っています。ありがとうございました。 Kenより』

It is the final day.

The number of camper this year was the largest and we welcomed many new campers this year. There were many campers from abroad, we were able to make MSTERIO as international as we wanted to be and we were able to tell campers that the importance of being yourself and being different during the camp. 

We were struggling between happiness of going home and seeing our families and sadness of saying good bye to your loving friends on the final day.

We all spent the final day with the mind of “Helping Each Other” and made great memories as a MSTERIO family.

In the kitchen, they all did their best to make 200 lunch boxes from early in the morning.

Campers did great job to check their packed stuffs, cleaning and preparing to go home. Besides those important job, they had to reverse with staffs. Every one was busy.

ANTHONY and adult staffs had been decorating works of campers and arranging rooms since last night. They wanted to provide great time to the parents.

Campers did more than their best to show what they learned during the camp without their loving families.

Since MSTERIO is a huge family, we sometime argued or had a fight but they made up by apologizing to each others. Thank you staffs, especially counselors, to taking care of them with full of love.

Thanks to Chef Masa, his assistant TAIJI. and MSTERIO kitchen staffs for providing delicious food every singe day.

Thank you to Activity Directors who led campers for 8 days and for putting this amazing show case together. Thanks to counselors as well to assist directors every day. Each of you made MSTERIO special.

The opening was dance and I was amazed by camper who could dance to such a fast music. It gave me chills. Congratulation.

Magic was performed by great magicians with music. Please perfume agin at home and amaze your family.

We found that your memory was in a letter you wrote in the Japanese Calligraphy class.

The performance with Japanese drum and Japanese fan from Music class showed us how they are united.

Junior campers (elementally school students) presented pictures they drew to learn lyrics of "MSTERIO OH”. Some of them sang and some of them show their picture by raising them as high as they can reach. They all learned the lyrics by heart this year.

The final number was performed by SR & CIT. This year they performed “WEST SIDE STORY”. This show is so hard but they only had 5 days to rehearse.  The show blown my mind. Teens who merely spoke had lines, teens who merely spoke English had English line and teens who merely sang publicly had a solo…They did amazing job! Bravo!

Please read Drama director Seiko’s blog.

http://blog.seikotano.com/msterio/4962/  Pictures is uploaded as well. Please share the wonderful memories with your family and friends.

We appreciate to KENJI who is a principle of Sarusho for providing this amazing place to us.

I would like to share a message from KEN, a CIT who had to leave on 8/1.

He came back to MSTERIO for the first time in 3 years.


We have annual MSTERIO Christmas Part on 12/18 so save the date! 


Hi, I’m Ken. I had to leave on 8/1.

After the dance, I left Sarusho and came back home.

I got on Shinkansen with guests from Room to Read and Human Rights Watch. We were keep talking in Shinkansen and MSTERIO magic were there until I get home.


I am regretting that I joined MSTERIO this year. I am in Boat Team in my school. We are not allow to be absent for a personally reason since we need all the member to practice and train. When I become a member of the boat team, I knew I won’t be able to join MSTERIO this year again. I started to study to get into a high school when I was in 2nd year of the middle high school so that I was not able to join MSTERIO for 2 years and that made me feel sad. I have been joining MSTERIO since I was first grade so MSTERIO had been my seasonal special event. I come back to MSTERIO this year since I finally pass my exam and got into the high school. I chose to join for 2 nights. I feel sorry for Nozomi, Daiki, Senior CIT, campers and staffs. 


MSTERIO was the place I longed to be and it seemed so fresh with new members. I felt same comfort and the family hadn’t changed. A week ago, when I reached Shinjuku too early, Nozomi asked me to load counselor’s luggage. I was so emotional and thought “This is my firs job as a CIT. This is my first step for a counselor.” 

Amputee soccer was challenging than I imagine and there was so many things I challenged for the first time. The drama by seniors and CIT was challenging as well. We struggled a lot from the first day and I really wanted to be there to see how it goes. I wanted to be a part of the show. 


Now it’s the final day. If you do your best, there will be people who sees you and they will be happy for you and proud of you. I already experience that 3year ago. You can do this. My heart is with you all.


MSTERIO is the fun place. There were so many things to bring home even I was able to stay there for 3 days. I was so emotional when I left there. It is warm place that you can go back anytime. It was a short stay but I am so glad that I went back. Thank you very much.


From Ken