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引き続き、クラスを教えてくださる4名のADのご紹介! 4 more Activitiy Directors!!

unnamed-8田野 聖子Seiko Tano

ドラマデイレクターDrama Director

俳優座所属。高校卒業後、日本大学芸術学部映画学科に入学。大学1年在学中に劇団俳優座一般公開公募 試験に合格。その後演出家千田是也氏の目にとまり、"カラマーゾフの兄弟"のリーザ役で デビュー。現在は舞台、テレビ、映画、海外ドラマの吹きかえ、コマーシャルなど多数活躍中。「十二夜」ヴァイオラ、「ヴェニスの商人」ポーシャなどシェイクスピア作品から国内の現代劇への出演で幅広い演技には定評あり。2007~2008年、 出演・制作を手がけた一人芝居『花いちもんめ』を秋田、東京、NY で成功させた。2013年、ロンドンの世界最長ロングラン60周年プレミアム日本公演「マウストラップ」では、個性的な役ケースウェルを好演、高い評価を得る。また、2007年には映画監督としてデビュー、監督作品は日本国内の映画祭で各賞を受賞。2010 年はアジア最大の短編映画祭で入賞するなど監督としての評価も高い。2015年秋には主演舞台「ヘッダ・ガーブレル」のタイトルロールが待っている。ミステリオには2005年からドラマディレクターとして参加、特にシニアキャンパーと CIT の演劇指導にあたる。また、ミステリオウェブサイトのミステリオビデオのナレーションもつとめている。東京在住。

Seiko is an actress and a member of Haiyu-za, a theater company. After graduating from high school, she entered the film department of the school of arts at Nihon University. During her first year she was accepted into Haiyu-za after passing an open audition. Currently she appears on stage, in television, movies and commercials, and does voiceovers for foreign dramas. She is known for her ability to play a wide range of characters, including Viola in Twelfth Night, Portia in Merchant of Venice, and characters in modern Japanese dramas. In 2007-2008, she successfully produced and starred in her own one-woman play, Hana Ichimonme, in Akita, Tokyo and New York. This year,  Seiko played an unique role in the premium performance of The Mousetrap, the world’s longest-running show celebrating its 60th anniversary from London, and was highly rated for her excellent acting. In 2007, she debuted as a film director, her first film winning several awards at Japanese film festivals. Her film won a prize in 2010 at one of the largest short-film festivals in Asia. She is going to star in a play “Hedda Gabler” as a title role this coming fall. At MSTERIO, she's been a drama director since 2005. Seiko is also the narrator of the MSTERIO camp video on the MSTERIO website. She resides in Tokyo.

unnamed-8山本 愛香/Aika Yamamoto

ミュージックディレクター/Music Director

演奏家・作曲家・指導者・司会者・語り手、いくつもの顔をもつ。桐朋学園大学音楽学部ピアノ専攻卒業後、ピアノ・打楽器・笛・歌・語りなど、20種類以上の楽器を操る型破りな奏者となり、葉加瀬太郎、古澤巌、藤原道山、岡幸二郎、葛山信吾、瀬奈じゅん、石井正則(アリtoキリギリス)ほか数多くのトップアーティストと共演。NHK ラジオに楽曲提供、東宝芸能・関西テレビ放送制作の舞台音楽を担当し楽曲提供など作曲活動も行う。司会者として、BSフジテレビ「Beポンキッキーズ」に出演。文化庁主催「文化芸術による子供の育成事情」にて、東京フィルハーモニー交響楽団 公演の司会とボディパーカッション指導を務める。ボディパーカッション講師として、これまでに約5万人以上にレクチャーを行う。和太鼓奏者の姉との姉妹デュオ「ヤマモト万歳」、2人で20種類以上の楽器を演奏する「アラカルト」のユニット活動も行う。ミステリオキャンプは5回目の参加。みんなと一緒に心から音を楽しめたら、最高に幸せ!

Aika holds many faces as a musician, composer, leader, master of ceremonies, storyteller. After graduating from Toho Gakuen School of Music with a major in Piano and making a debut as a musician mastering over 20 instruments,  she co-starred with top musicians including Taro Hakase, Iwao Furusawa, Douzan Fujiwara, Shingo Katsurayama, and many more. Aside from performing, she also works as a composer: she has provided music to NHK Radio as well as to a stage produced by Toho Entertainment and Kansai Telecasting Corporation. Aika is seen on “Be Ponkickies,” a show from BS Fuji Television Networks. In an event sponsored by Japan’s Agency for Cultural Affairs, she worked as a M.C. and taught body percussion to the audience. Her activities as a musician include performing as Yamamoto-Banzai, a duo with her older sister who plays the Japanese drums, and A La Carte, also a duo that plays over twenty different instruments. Her other activities include teaching body percussion workshops around Japan; so far Aika taught over 50,000 people. This will be her fifth time at MSTERIO. She hopes enjoy playing music with everyone!

unnamed-8久保田 直樹(吟水)Naoki Kubota (Ginsui)

書道ディレクター/Caligraphy Director


Naoki is a calligrapher (following the Shinyo Style) from Gifu. His pseudonym is Ginsui. Naoki first came to Tokyo in 2007, where he held exhibitions in Bunkyo-ku, Setagaya-ku, and Shibuya-ku. His main activities include teaching calligraphy, holding exhibitions and lectures, and providing title letters for name plates, business cards, signboards, bridal information, music videos (e.g. Shonan no Kaze, Momoiro Clover Z, nobodyknows, TM Revolution, etc.), and lyrics (e.g. Miliyah Kato). This is his third year at MSTERIO.

unnamed-8飯盛 有希乃Yukino Iimori

パティシエデイレクターPatissiere Director

福岡県出身。2005年に早稲田大学、レコールバンタンを卒業後、「人を幸せにできる仕事がしたい」とパティシエールの道へ。辻口博啓シェフのお菓子教室SUPER SWEETS SCHOOL自由が丘校立ち上げ、スイーツレッスン講師、企業向け商品開発・技術指導、TV・雑誌・書籍のレシピ開発などの活動の傍、NYでもスイーツイベントを開催するなど海外にも進出。お菓子作りをもっと”簡単に””楽しく””美味しく「大切な人を幸せにするお菓子作り」をコンセプトに、お菓子作りを通じてたくさんの幸せを届けられるよう活躍中。

Yukino was born in Fukuoka. After graduating for Waseda University and L’ecole Vantan、she decided to become Patissiere to make people happy. She was a part of the team when Chef Hironobu Tsujiguchi established his own pastry and baking class Super Sweet School Jiyugaoka. She has been working as pastry lesson instructor, collaborating with food company to create new products. You can find her on TV and in magazines and books as well. She is working not only in Japan but also in abroad as New York to spread happiness through baking. Easier and funner “baking to make your loving ones happy” is a concept of her baking.