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Make A Difference - Linda & ANPO

ミステリオのことをいつも応援してくれているLINDA HOAGLUNDさん(テイーンズのゲストとしてもお招きしましたね!)が制作中の映画 "ANPO"をサポートするために、今年の3月、友人宅のロフトアパートで、Fund raise = ファンドレーズ(資金集め)のパーテイーを開催しました。

NYでも有名なレストラン OMEN のお食事に、ワインやお酒でワイワイと100名ほどのリンダファンで会場はいっぱい。アコーデイオン&ギターの生演奏が、その場の雰囲気を盛り上げてくれました。


その結果、この夜だけで集まった資金は約3500ドル(35万円)!これぞ、Make a Differenceそのものだなあと感謝。

いよいよLINDAの映画も完成まで、もうあと一歩という時期に、今週号の雑誌 アエラ に、彼女のことが掲載されています。

その上、6月15日(火)には、LINDAを招いて、東京大学・本郷キャンパス大講堂(安田講堂)にて シンポジウム:「60年安保闘争の記録と記憶」というイベントが開催されます。

このイベントの入場料は無料。どなたでも参加いただけるので、興味のある方はその出席の返事を、必ず事前yasuda615@gmail.com までメールでお知らせください。ミステリオのスタッフの何人かも、当日受付などお手伝いをしてくださる予定です。




日時:6月15日(火) 18:00 開場、18:30 開演(20:15終了予定)





3)当日はその返信メールのプリントアウトをご持参ください。 ※定員になり次第、締め切りとさせていただきます。






LINDA HOAGLUND, who has always been supporting MSTERIO (as some of you remember, she was a guest for MSTERIO TEENS!), had a fund raising event for her upcoming movie, ANPO, at one of my friends’ apartment.

About 100 guests enjoyed the food from OMEN, one of the most famous restaurants in NY, as well as wines and drinks.

The live music with the guitar and accordion created a great atmosphere.

The couple, who own this spacious apartment, offered this space with no charge, and also bought all the drinks for the event.

Furthermore, the food from the OMEN restaurant was on the owner of OMEN. Surprisingly many people contributed and worked all together to support Linda and her movie.

As a result, the event raised as much as $3,500! This is exactly a “Make a difference” event and I cannot help but appreciate it.

Linda will soon finish filming her movie, and the magazine AERA will actually feature an article on the movie this week.

In addition, there is going to be a symposium at Yasuda Kodo, Tokyo University, on Tuesday, June 15, titled “60 Years of the Record and Memory of ANPO,” (“60-nen Anpo Toso no Kiroku to Kioku”) and Linda will be one of the presenters.

Admission to this event is FREE. Anyone can join. If you are interested, please email yasuda615@gmail.com.

A few MSTERIO members are going to be there to assist the event, as well.

Event Details

Date: Tuesday, June 15

6pm~admission, 6:30 starts. (9:15 close)

Place: Tokyo University, Hongo Campus (Yasuda Kodo)

*There will be no parking, please be advised to take public transportations.

Admission fee: Free (pre-registration required)

How to Register:

1) Email yasuda615@gmail.com and include your name and the full names of your guests.

2) You will then receive a confirmation email.

3) Please have the confirmation email printed out, and bring it with you to the event.

Facilitator: Chizuko Ueno (Sociologist, professor of sociology at Tokyo University)

Panelists: Linda Hoaglund (Director of the movie “ANPO”)

Masayasu Hosaka (Author of “60nen Anpo Toso no Shinjitsu”)

Eiji Oguma (Sociologist, professor of political science at Keio University)

Tokiko Kato (Special guest, a singer)

*There will be a pre-review of the movie “ANPO” digest.