ミステリオ - MSTERIO.jp

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Part 4 MSTERIO Staff 第四弾

ミステリオが始まる前は、スタッフやアクテビテイー・デイレクター、スペシャルゲストのみなさんとの打ち合わせに出かけることが多い中、今晩はこの主要メンバーとじっくり充実ミーテイング。 unnamed-8



濱川 なぎさNagisa Hamakawa (写真の左一番奥)


It’s been 14 years since I sent my son to MSTERIO for the first time. I was jealous to hear about MSTERIO from children. My turn has come finally. I am looking forward to enjoy MSTERIO serving in the Kitchen. MSTERIO Staff debut.

unnamed-8片桐 節子Setsuko Katagiri


Setsuko is living in Tokyo. She has never been good good at English at all but she went to Canada to study with her guts when she was a student. She believes that words will be told by heart. She worked as a secretary at a stock company and cell phone company. Even after her marriage, she has been working in various types of business, for instance as an assistant for an advertisement design company. She had been living in London with her husband for 5 years and after that she spent 4 years in New York City. She and her husband love dogs and they have a cute dog which is like their baby. She is now working at an operating company for a gourmet site and continuously considering about what she can do for rescued dogs. This is her first time joining MSTERIO.

unnamed-8仁科 麻衣/Mai Nishina


Mai is living in Tokyo. Her roots are from Nagasaki and Nagoya. She first joined MSTERIO in 2009 and this is her 5th time. As a kitchen staff, she feel joy to see everyone enjoying their food.  She came to Tokyo to create music song after her high school graduation. She is composing her own music. Favorites: Karaoke, cooking, walking in the sun, yummy food and kind people.

unnamed-8斉藤 朋子/Tomoko Saito

デイレクターの”のぞみ”とは、小学校1年の時から、ずーっと親友。ミステリオに参加するのは今回で3回目。次男は高校1、2年の2年間キャンパーとして参加。長男は、東北震災直後の福島県郡山で行われたミステリオ・ボランテイアーに参加した。好きなことは、食べること、お料理、SMAP(特にライヴ)  など楽しいこと全て。今年もミステリオを楽しみにしています。

Nozomi and I have been best friends since we were first grade. It is my 3rd time in MSTERIO. My second son had joined MSTERIO as a camper when he was Sophomore and Junior. My first son joined MSTERIO Volunteer which was held soon after the earthquake and Tsunami at Koriyama, Fukushima. I love to eat, cook, SMAP and any fun stuffs. I am looking forward to spend my time at MISTERIO again.